Mission District

Are You a Sausage?

I’m really digging the brilliant Spy vs. Spy / Phallic food hybrid even I don’t eat sausages (unless they are made with sun-dried tomatoes and wheat gluten).  Can vegetarians be sausage people?  I sure hope so.  Sausage people have the best hats.

"Banksy" Tagged

I’m confused guys.  On one hand, a piece of “historic” graffiti has now been trashed.  On the other hand, it’s just graffiti getting tagged over.  Should I feel bad for Banksy?  Should I feel bad for Brad Pitt who now won’t be able to pay $600,000 to remove this piece of Valencia Street history and bring it to LA?  Should I feel bad for SF graffiti artists who are getting upstaged by immigrant graffiti labor?

Is Otter jealous of Banksy’s fame and knew he could get some mad press coverage by acting out?  Maybe he’s just the ultimate hater.

Anyways, I like bikes.  I like Banksy.  I like Otters.  It’s a match made by God himself.

(photo by Sean Reynolds)

UPDATE: Rachel in the comments informs us that Otter defaced the one in Chinatown as well.  Not going to lie, I kinda like what he did there.

What's up with all the Neo-Nazi horseshit in the Mission lately?

Between vandalizing murals and gay bars, it appears that there is a growing Mission skin-head movement.  This particular piece was spotted yesterday on South Van Ness outside of, wait for it, Love Painting Company.  I know irony is all the rage these days, but this is fucking retarded*.  I know you want to nuke the fags because nuking the world will prevent God from burning us all alive, but if you nuke the Castro, your fellow Nazi taggers won’t be able to sit next to their fixies drinking lattes and PBR in Dolores Park.

But seriously, how many of these little shitheads are running around the Mission?  Let’s just make it clear: if you see one of these people tagging swastikas around the Mission, just beat them into subconsciousness and teach them a valuable lesson.  That’s one assault no one will bother investigating.

* Sorry Sarah Palin, it’s just that I don’t respect you.

Ice Cream Cart at the End of the Rainbow

There’s a mural up on my block.  Luckily, a reader who provides a more interesting narrative than that chimed in:

The jackass who owns the graffiti magnet apt. building on 23rd and Capp finally figured out if you can’t beat ‘em, join him.  He got tired spending $1,000 a month on paint and hired a crew to put up a mural on his building.  Actually, not a crew, he got Francisco Aquino a.k.a. Twick to do the mural. Nice.

I’m definitely interested in seeing this when it’s done, especially since I don’t have to go very far to check it out.  That said, I don’t see a lot of cowboys selling ice cream.  Herding ATMs on the other hand….

The neighborhood is VERY EXCITED.  WITH CAMERAS.

Delano's IGA Finally Restocking What Really Matters

I’m knocked out from this cold I have but when the sun peaked through a few hours ago, I couldn’t resist picking up some Reese’s Peanut Butter Puffs and some pulp FULL orange juice.  Much to my displeasure, there was only ONE, count ‘em, ONE thing of Simply OJ left and it was without the glory of pulp.  So as I shuffled up to the cashier and sneezed on some cheese, I noticed that they were finally restocking the empty shelves.  I hope your diet consists of consuming PBR, Modelo, Sierra Nevada Pale Ale and some year-old Berkeley Farms Vanilla. 

New Tag Going Up at 24th and Capp

Not sure I can bother calling this a mural.  But it’s commissioned, so is it a tag?  I’m at a loss here.

Anyways, seeing this piece go up reminded me of discussion that went down last week about the new Reyes mural on the 23rd St. Walgreens:

#1: “Another Publica Art which intends to show no representation of humans, their condition, their spirit, intends to show no specific content outside of formalism, and intends to speak to nothing relative to the time, place, or circumstance in which it was created. gr8.”

#2: “Obviously posted by someone from Precita Eyes. What the fuck do those lame ass Precita Eyes murals “speak to”? They look like they were painted by kindergardeners and deny the proud Irish history of the Mission.”

What do we think?  Is it time for a little more diversity in our Mission murals?  They are sort of getting redundant.
