— By Laura B |
Now that we’ve brought you the truly horrific side of babies, I will ease our pain with some truly whimsical shit. A nursery mural created by San Francisco artist, Michael Reed. Totoro! The golden gate! Worlds colliding! I can’t handle it! This kid is extremely lucky and will grow up to be more than alright and I’ll be the first to ask what everyone is thinking: BABY, WILL YOU MARRY ME?
(Thanks, Kristina! More detailed pics here. Oooh, you should also check out this rad woodcut Reed did for local dog saving superheroes, Rocket Dog Rescue.)
Comments (3)
njudah | [Permalink]
that is rather awesome.
chalkman | [Permalink]
…hey let’s go, hey let’s go, we’re happy as can be, let’s go walking you and me….
ArtEd | [Permalink]
Thanks for the props. Baby boy IS happy as can be!
You prolly gotta thumbwrestle Pali for his hand, tho. Best get in there before he’s old enough for chocolate.