— By Serg |
You may have heard that Virginia’s governor Bob McDonnell has decided to declare April as Confederate History Month. He claims that confederate history “should not be forgotten, but instead should be studied, understood and remembered,” Hey asshole how about you fucking remember what the Vice President of the Confederate bag of racist fucking assholes said when describing the historic government that you miss so goddamn much.
Fuck this dickhead and his shitcunt of a brain.
Comments (7)
Anonymous Coward | [Permalink]
I actually prefer that these fucktards come out an spew this vile crap. At least we know who they are and what they stand for. Far worse are those that think like this asshat but keep their mouths shut about it.
I don't think before I type | [Permalink]
YOu people in virgiNia are dickheads and FUCK YOU
Ryan Farr | [Permalink]
I couldn’t possibly agree with you anymore or say it nearly as eloquently as you. You are a wordsmith my man!
Andrew | [Permalink]
As a Virginia native who once went on a date with Bob McDonnell’s daughter, I can tell you even his kids think he’s a total dick.
I don't think before I type but I mean what I type | [Permalink]
Fuck virginia period and everything about it there is nothing here but fucked up roads and the navy big woop fuck this place
I mean what I type | [Permalink]
Breanna Davis | [Permalink]
Fuck Virginia all they do is take your license and throw people in jail. I hate this place it’s stupid everything bout it is just dumb I HATE VIRGINIA