Mission District

Bakesale for Gorillas & Other Baby Animals!

Since conflict of interest is already my middle name, I want to alert you all to an excellent bakesale happening this Saturday (TOMORROW) in front of Herbivore on Valencia from 11 am to 4 pm.  All the money goes to help save highly endangered mountain Gorillas in DR Congo’s Virunga National Forest and to Wildcare, an awesome wildlife hospital and education center in San Rafael. Seriously, if you find any injured animals in the bay area, take them to Wildcare unless you want them to be gassed or get subpar shitty care somewhere else.

ANYWAY, we’re gonna have all sorts of ridiculously delicious shit there, including mountains of cupcakes, chocolate covered caramels, and pickled cauliflower. Yep. See you sluts there!

An Attempt At Good Pizza?

As someone who used to work in “the kitchen” of a grubby-ass New York-style pizza place back east, I like to consider myself a pizza snob (we’re being honest here).  To date, I think the slice shops in the city straight up suck and have generally lost hope, but that’s because I generally am skeptical of any place that calls itself a “New York-Style Pizzeria” that doesn’t have cooks chain-smoking in the kitchen, a whale of a Italian mother screaming in the backroom, and a proprietor with the last name “Danelli.”  In 9th grade when I worked as a dishwasher in a second pizza place, I learned that men named Luigi are far more juvenile and perverted than any high-schooler could ever dream of.  I place the blame for my excessive use of the words “fuck,” “cocksucker,” and “elephant fucker” on the Greek people.

Anyways, the point is that pizza places in SF sell small, weak-ass slices of pizza and you never feel like you’re going to get a complimentary knife wound with your mushroom + black olive.  Pizza Di Mano, while doesn’t look like a place to get murdered in, does look sufficiently cheap and creative.  It can’t possibly be as good as real New York-pizza because the slices are not as big as a newborn child and the pictures indicate that they premake all their slices (a disgusting practice. Would you eat a premade burrito from Farolito?  Of course not), but could help fill the void in the Mission.  Importantly, if I ate meat, I’d be fucking pumped to try this slice: “ ‘Viva la Mexico’ pizza with chorizo, jalapeno, and chipolte sauce.”

Anyone hungry?

Eater SF has the full scoop, including pics of the pizza.

3331 24th St. at Mission.

Blinged Out Banksy Rat Endorses Zipcar

Before you all unsubscribe from this blog, I think it is safe to say that this wraps up our coverage of Banksyfever2010.

Not sure if this is Banksy or Blek le Rat but it was found on 24th and Valencia.  Reader Devan Brill tells us the rat is no more:

Did you guys catch this Banksy at 24th and Valencia? Sadly, it got whitewashed sometime this weekend. It looked like this photo last Thursday.

I wouldn’t have even remembered the pic was on my phone except I saw the Zipcar sign without the rat underneath it when I was leaving for work this morning and then passed by Zipcar doing some type of weird marketing thing in front of my building this morning on Market.

A quick flickr search indicates that Devan might have been the only one to snap a pic of this rat, so it clearly wasn’t up for long.

A little piece of the Disney classic Pocahontas

… right here in the Mission! Grandmother Willow Whatever Kind of Tree That Is can be found in Garfield Square. Maybe if you ask, she can give you some super wise advice, like not to marry Kocuom, that those “strange clouds” are in fact from the rubble of those boxy condos being built along Bryant, or just that ironic wolf shirts are in fact 100% played out.

I just wish that the chalk instead read “this tree is HELLA wise.”

Hey Nerds! Free Comics!

Apparently, today is Free Comic Book Day. Basically, from what I’ve figured out, you just show up and they give you a free comic. It’ll probably be a pretty shitty one,  but hey, it’s free, and you can just lie to your friends and say it’s “obscure” and “underrated”, unless of course they went and got the same shitty comic. Maybe you can bond over your shared secret and live in constant fear that the others will out you as an owner of crappy comics. whatevs, ITS FREE.

According to the website, Mission Comics and Art, Neon Monster, Isotope, and Comix Experience are all participating. Caffeinated Comics apparently doesn’t believe in free comics, and probably tells kids Santa isnt real either so screw those assholes (edit: looks like they believe in free comics).  Considering I just woke up from a night of bartending and boozing and only pretend to read comics so nerdy boys will sleep with me, I don’t think I’m gonna make it, but hopefully just writing about it will give me that nerd boost that being obsessed with zombies just cant bring, and some guy in fake glasses and an argyle sweater vest will find me attractive. SWOON.

Beats ‘n’ Brunch at Bollywood Cafe Looks HELLA TASTY

I didn’t even know that Bollywood Cafe served food.  Damn!  Vegansaurus!, obviously, provides the scoop and insight:

THE FACTS: Beats ‘n’ Brunch is a vegan brunch that happens outside of Bollyhood Cafe on 19th Street between Mission and Capp Streets every Saturday and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. It’s tasty, you should totally go.

THE SASS: This place is run by a bunch of hipster hippies who don’t brush their hair and wear cropped Hello Kitty t-shirts. Wait, no, I’m talking about a rave. Um, they just dress “different” and wear shit like vests without shirts and bandanas tied around their heads and have definitely participated in drum circles at some point in their lives. What I’m trying to say is: I totally blended.

(read the full review of, you know, the food)

Anyways, I know what I’m doing in an hour.  Peace bitches!

STOP HATIN': New Mural on 24th and Capp Covered Up

Remember that new mural on 24th + Capp we internets about on a couple of days ago?  Apparently some dick property owner or the DPW painted it over and now the taggers of the bay have united to make this building ground zero for vandalism.  Seriously bad move property owner.  First off, what went up actually looked nice; way better than the orgy of amateur penmanship that has graced that building for at least the last 2.5 years.  What did you really achieve by painting it over?  Being dicks?
