Mission District

Win Some Tickets to Big River Man

Normally I wouldn’t let this blog do such a promotion, but Big River Man (Epic River Man?) is a fat alcoholic that likes to do epic adventures (read: me in 25 years).  Given that I love alcohol and windows into my future, I’d like to let you know that Big River Man is playing at The Roxie for a few weeks, starting May 28th at 7pm.

Do you want free tickets?  Tell us your best swimming (or water-related) story in the comments and the best story wins them.

(In the event no stories are told, the first comment will win them.  If no one comments, it will prove what I always suspected: no one reads this thing.  Am I talking to myself again?)

(Buy tickets here)



so I just got this email blast with this flyer for a free earth party in the park, I thought oh that’s cool I guess but then I saw The Jacka was on the line up to perform and thought OH THAT’S FUCKING AWESOME! All I can hope for is that some lame’s afternoon of tight rope walking to be ruined by the sweet sounds of the Mob Figaz. I am no fan of Goapele but I will go to any show that has the possibility of Husalah showing up. When he came out with Jacka during Freeway’s set at Mezzanine I kind of lost my shit. In a perfect world Husalah would be up there chanting you’re pretty cool for a black guy and yelling bring me another beer to a sea of apathetic skinny pants. 

youtube failed me for a video of I’m A Wild Child so you get the latest Husalah youtube joint instead.

Valencia Rain Forest

I know, I know.  Nothing new about trees being planted on Valencia.  That said, anyone walking down Valencia yesterday afternoon with their faces not glued to their cellphones likely noticed how cool this row of trees looked in the rain.

Punk-Rock Puppy of the Year

I was walking out of Dolores Park, a location I haven’t mentioned on this blog in a whole 36 hours!, the other day and noticed this punk-rock puppy.  I’m pretty sure this qualifies as animal abuse, even on Bay to Breakers weekend, but I still found the dog to look QUITE COOL.

Thrill of the Grill NOW HAS ONION RINGS

Doesn’t this blurry pic make you FUCKING HUNGRY?

I decided to end my 18 hour b2b binge at Thrill of the Grill for a delicious veggie sandwich and learned they now have onion rings.  Onion rings, people!  Maybe I just don’t know where to look, but my life has been lacking in the onion ring department lately.  Most importantly, the rings are quite solid.

The server told us that we were the first customers to ever eat the onion rings, which is probably bullshit but at least when TotG becomes the go-to destination for deep-fried win, I can stick my nose up in the air and say, “Whatever, I was into their onion rings before anyone else.”  Hipster level up!
