Art - The Streets

Giant, Multi-Headed, Fire-Breathing, Heavy Metal Buddha Going Up at City Hall

Man, you thought the Jesus-freaks hated San Francisco before, wait’ll they get wind of this thing. They started putting up Zhang Huan’s multi-headed beast of a Buddha across from City Hall today. Unfortunately, I don’t think it’s fire-breathing after all, but they should definitely consider an upgrade. Here’s some reporting on it from the Examiner, which I believe is some sort of  print newspaper. I’m just glad I don’t have to go hang out with a bunch of dread-locked, drugged-up, dirt twirlers in the desert to see crazy, giant statues like this. So, good job to whoever is responsible for this.

I did not notice a Banksy stencil on any of it, so this will probably not be of much interest to most of you, but it is throwing up heavy metal horns:

Blinged Out Banksy Rat Endorses Zipcar

Before you all unsubscribe from this blog, I think it is safe to say that this wraps up our coverage of Banksyfever2010.

Not sure if this is Banksy or Blek le Rat but it was found on 24th and Valencia.  Reader Devan Brill tells us the rat is no more:

Did you guys catch this Banksy at 24th and Valencia? Sadly, it got whitewashed sometime this weekend. It looked like this photo last Thursday.

I wouldn’t have even remembered the pic was on my phone except I saw the Zipcar sign without the rat underneath it when I was leaving for work this morning and then passed by Zipcar doing some type of weird marketing thing in front of my building this morning on Market.

A quick flickr search indicates that Devan might have been the only one to snap a pic of this rat, so it clearly wasn’t up for long.
