Art - The Streets

2Pac R.I.P. 4EVA

Sometimes art cars just come straight from your patriotic-ass, peace-makin', Clinton-supportin', dog-lovin', old-school thug-ass heart, and it doesn't matter that you've only got four colors of paint. Why? Because you love America, and Tupac rules. (via carinabot)

Zoltron + Neo Monster Battle Corporate Ad Whores on Valencia

Remember how sad we all were when some dumb marketing douches pasted over all of Zoltron's stuff on a “condoned” art wall on Valencia (between 16th and 17th)?  Well:

Doesn't this look so much better than Robin Hood ads?  No?  Well, fuck you.  Since street artists have been given the go ahead to make this wall an orgy of awesome, go forth and draw funny faces on Russell Crowe.

(pic via Neon Monster)

Cool Kid Travels: Cambridge Art Wall

I had some time to kill between listening to hipsters talk about sports bras and chugging pints of Magic Hat Circus Boy so I did one of my favorite Boston activities: walking the length of Mass Ave.  Back when I did it, it usually was usually to avoid paying a $1.25 subway fare (earning $7,500 a year didn't go very far, even with $160/month rent) and not photograph graffiti but hey, what the hell.

The last time I was in Central Square was three years ago and this art wall was nothing like it was today.  Meaning, it didn't fucking rule.

This last one was a new Banksy from around the corner that went up during the week.  Unlike SF, people in Boston either don't know who Banksy is or don't give a shit.  The piece of Valencia was photographed to death and for over a week, you couldn't walk past Amnesia without seeing someone gawking.  I was near this thing for a little while and didn't see a single other person glance at it.
