Art - The Streets

Cycling Machine

Lots of good art around the city this week bros.

Photo was taken by Ramona Wheelright.  I wish I knew who drew it because it's fucking rad.

You can go grab this piece (and others like it) at Fabric 8 on 22nd and Valencia.  The perfect gift for the cracked out dog lover in your life! (photo)

Lastly, this was found outside the 111 Minna.  It's likely cooler than anything you'll find in the gallery. (photo by Beej Weir)

For Shame, You Farking Hipsters, For Shame

So, Revolution covered up the new kindergarten community mural with some trash cans.  The community blames the hipsters!

Revolution counters by blaming the city.

Whatever, fuck it.  I'm just going to come out and say it: the new “mural” is a damn shame.  The old mural was great and it's too bad that it was covered up in the first place.  That said, I'm a huge fan of Sirron Norris's work and I'm sure the new mural would have been equally incredible.  Instead, some needless drama broke out and Sirron bitched out.  Now we are just left with something that is just going to get tagged over and trashed.  Maybe it's because I hate the children, but I would have loved to see a great Sirron piece every time I was walking home instead of this.  Tears.

Where my graffiti at?!

sethoscope made a cool heat map script and recently posted a map of graffiti complaints over the last 90 days in SF.  SHOCKING NEWS: there's graffiti in the Mission, the Lower Haight and Southern California.

If My Obsession with Cutty Bang Persists, I'll Be Able to Make One of These Myself

ohnochriso says:

I saw this impressive outdoor chandelier made entirely of mini booze bottles on my way to work and had to snap a photo of it. I figured there is probably some sort of installation inside the apartment based on the destruction of the resident's liver.

I'm not really sure I agree with his analysis.  First off, destruction of the liver is a San Franciscan pastime and too commonplace to really do any sort of art installation about (although totally reasonable to dedicate half of a blog too).  Second, drinking from nips is a goddamn San Francisco tradition and should be celebrated as much as possible.

(drop the mic)

(photo by ohnochriso)
