There's a new mural going up in Balmy Alley and it's about everyone's favorite topic: gentrification! This time, the Hitler-stached policía are broing-down with white folks over coffee as they arrest and harass Latinos, making a safe place for yuppies plugged into the Matrix to type away on their MacPhoneiBookthings while being laughed at by monkeys. I think.
From one Oakland resident participating in painting the mural:
This particular mural was the perfect adaptation of the culture of the mission changing from a celebrated Chicano community into basically, hipster-yuppy central. In my opinion the mural’s design really does a good job of emphasizing the politics behind gentrification.
The funny thing is, this mural is still relevant in Oakland and many other places around the world. So many people are losing the heart and culture of their neighborhood, to high rise condo’s and pabst drinking hipsters. It’s sad that the mission is becoming one of those areas, but so is Oakland, and many other places around the world.
Wait, I'm confused: is it the cops causing gentrification, with their deportations and questionably racist enforcement of the law? Or is it the hipsters, with their PBR and high rise condo's?
Anyway, for more analysis and pictures of hipsters painting the mural, head over to 2AM Is the time.