Mission District

Cycling Machine

Lots of good art around the city this week bros.

Photo was taken by Ramona Wheelright.  I wish I knew who drew it because it's fucking rad.

You can go grab this piece (and others like it) at Fabric 8 on 22nd and Valencia.  The perfect gift for the cracked out dog lover in your life! (photo)

Lastly, this was found outside the 111 Minna.  It's likely cooler than anything you'll find in the gallery. (photo by Beej Weir)

For Shame, You Farking Hipsters, For Shame

So, Revolution covered up the new kindergarten community mural with some trash cans.  The community blames the hipsters!

Revolution counters by blaming the city.

Whatever, fuck it.  I'm just going to come out and say it: the new “mural” is a damn shame.  The old mural was great and it's too bad that it was covered up in the first place.  That said, I'm a huge fan of Sirron Norris's work and I'm sure the new mural would have been equally incredible.  Instead, some needless drama broke out and Sirron bitched out.  Now we are just left with something that is just going to get tagged over and trashed.  Maybe it's because I hate the children, but I would have loved to see a great Sirron piece every time I was walking home instead of this.  Tears.

"Forget Flowerpower, it's Happy Hour!"



Fuck this shitty weather, bundle up and get Mappy! Mappyhour is an interactive site that maps out all of the happy hours in your hood. You can rate bars, split-screen chat?, find new places that other users enjoy, and in the future the site promises to boast a bar crawl planner! Currently, the site has over 45,000 locations in its data base and counting. That's a whole lotta mappy.

Update: Rats in the Tokyo Go-Go Building

Following our post about rats at Tokyo Go-Go, we received an email from Tokyo's Sushi Boss, Kevin:

Subject: not cool…

hey. who ever is in charge of this blog please take off whatever that rat thing is about. there has never been an incident of rat problems here inside of tokyo go go. never been any reports. so i dont know what this guy is talking about. if you have any questions please give me a call.

Accepting that maybe we didn't do enough research on this, we pulled out the “pic or it didn't happen” card on Generic.  As you can see, it was no lie:

Here’s today’s offering in infestation. Not yesterday’s, mind you, not the day before’s, but today’s. I kind of threw up a bit in my mouth taking this picture.

ALSO: KevMo at Uptown Almanac blogged my plight. Apparently he got an email from the owner of Tokyo Go-Go who was, um, irate. So I gave him a call, left a message, then he called me back. What follows is a dramatic recreation of the conversation and is in no way a verbatim transcript:


generic: This is generic.

Sushi Boss: Hi, this is Sushi Boss.

generic: Oh. Hi.

Sushi Boss: Look, I’m really sorry this is happening to you, but you’re kind of screwing my business by telling everyone our restaurant is infested.

generic: That’s not what I wrote.

Sushi Boss: You said there are rats in my restaurant.

generic: Re-read the blog post. I said there are rats in the building. Know why I said that?

Sushi Boss: Why?

generic: Cause there are rats in the building. I live in the building; I have rats, ergo… And it’s been a longstanding problem, for several months, before I even moved in.

Sushi Boss: I guess I should talk to the landlord about fixing this.

generic: I guess you should.

Generic goes on to mention he feels bad to the guy at Tokyo.  In spite of the fact there clearly are rats in the building, there is no evidence to suggest the restaurant is plagued (although it seems doubtful there wouldn't be rats).  I talked with another friend that used to live on 16th and Albion and she says “there are rats all over that part of the Mission.  I saw rats on a nightly basis behind my house feasting on the neighboring restaurant's trash.  Not the small rats either, these were the big kind.”

This basically sums up what everyone should already know: 16th St. is pretty disgusting and if a little bit of dirt in your food bothers you, you shouldn't eat around there..

Be sure to check out Generic's entire followup.  Especially if you want to know how to kill rats.

Propped Up with Bricks

Back in the day (two years ago), my friends and I used to leave our cars parked in the Dogpatch for weeks at a time because they didn't have permit parking or street sweeping out there.  One summer afternoon, my friend went to retrieve his vehicle and his car was propped up with Sprite containers sans wheels.  Sprite containers, people.  It ended up costing more than $400 bucks and was a major hassle.  Given that, I feel bad for you, Mission parker.

(photo by Protohiro)

Tokyo Go-Go: Full of Rats

UPDATE: Follow-up with pics.

Why is Generic moving out of his 'sick pad' above 16th Street's Tokyo Go-Go?  Because he hates animals:

So what was the problem?”


Like, actual rats?”

Actual, non-figurative vermin were in my room and all throughout the building. I could hear and see them. Fun fact: hearing them is worse—especially at night. When they fight, they make a high-pitched squealing noise that makes your skin crawl. The cliche about women jumping up on chairs? I’m not making fun of that anymore. (I didn’t say I do it, just that I’m not making fun of it.) Rats generally move too fast to hit with anything, so if you’re relying on poison to kill them, getting the hell away strikes me as a pretty sensible choice. (See Plague, Bubonic.)


PRO TIP: Don’t eat at Tokyo Go-Go. I don’t care how good the sushi tastes, there are rats in the building.


He claims he has pictures.  Care to share?

(The full story)

Dear Tree Killer, I BET You Kick Puppies and Drown Kittens!

Whoa, someone is just slightly mad at a 22nd St. tree killer.  Don't get me wrong, I like trees.  No, no, I love trees.  They make great bike racks.  But I'd argue that killing a tree is much, much worse than killing a kitten.  The death of a tree affects us all.  Killing a kitten just results in a few less JPG lulz and a slight increase in office productivity, you dick.


I've seen some videos past month's parties and basically it's an orgy of PBR 24s, video of people skateboard/riding fixies/smoking 'mad herb' on a projector and a metric fuckton of tattoos.  Should be fun!

More Info.

Pica Pica: Good Food, Thankfully Not Pokemon Themed

When I was getting ready to flee Boston, Mérida in Venezuela was the foreign city I most wanted to move to.  Besides being at the foot of the Andes, they have an ice cream shop with over 800 flavors.  I figured I could easily keep myself entertained in that town for at least 800 days.  But I gringoed out and moved to San Francisco instead.  Look what I missed.  Not only do I not know what rose petal ice cream tastes like, but I am not spending every day feasting on cachapas.  Thankfully Pica Pica on 15th and Valencia is, as this Venezuelan kid phrased it in Dolores Park, “fucking legit.”
