Mission District

Sunday Streets Recap

Sunday Streets is the best.  I feel like the whole neighborhood gets together to ride bikes, walk and take pictures of each other.  What's not to like?

This guy was easily the most blogged about/highlight of Sunday streets.  Somehow, this mastermind figured out how to engineer a bicycle-piano hybrid.  Mind blown.

The crazies were out in full force, including one man who took the rare opportunity of a car-free Valencia to exorcise himself.

Speaking of crazies, Mission Loc@l had a table setup and were signing people up for their email list.  Unfortunately they were not giving away their tshirts to assholes.

Plant-based fashion was all the rage this year, as these two “totally not fucked up” individuals demonstrated.

While I was humored by the dudes with their palm hats, I think The Plant Bike might be taking the safari theme too far.  Was he demonstrating the utility of the bicycle or just trying to be stand out in the jungle of cool?

After the streets were opened back up to cars at 3pm, the internet decided to descend upon Dolores Park.  After a day of Burning Man bikes, bands and costumes, some dude rolling balls believing he was an eagle in flight was largely ignored.


Is B3 a Good Fit for Thrillist?

Okay, I know it is kind of meta to blog about other bloggers wanting to blog about things already blogged about but I just couldn't resist.  I mean it was just sitting right there, begging to be blogged.

But yeah, B3 on Valencia at 22nd is slated to open July 20th and is serving burgers, which are pretty much as difficult to find in the Mission as burritos, and wine.  Hot damn.

Cheap Beer Taste Test Reveals Mission Hipsters Don't Know Their Cheap Beers, Identifies PBR as the Worst

From the OH THAT'S RICH department: I rolled to a “cheap beer taste test” Friday night.

We are going to have a blind taste test of cheap beers tonight. I bet out of 10 that nobody can identify more than 3. DRESS TO IMPRESS.


  1. Of the 15 or so people duking it out, most people couldn't identify any of the beers (I personally got zero).
  2. The winner could only successfully name 4 out of 12.
  3. This gang of Mission kids found it easiest to identify Budweiser and Coors Light.
  4. No one could ID Bud Light, MGD, Miller Lite, and King Cobra.
  5. Cup #3 was crowned the best.  It was Olympia.
  6. Everyone was disgusted by cup #5 and insisted it was King Cobra or Busch.  It was PBR.

.gif Continues to be the Hipster File Format of 2010

Alright this shit is so legit I can hardly contain myself.  When Geocities shut down down last year, I thought we put a nail in the animated gif coffin, because, fuck, do we really need a spinning @ telling people to email us? But with local legend Rio Yanez embracing the format (above), with strong backings from Colin Macfadyen (below), it appears the gif is making its urban revival.

I mean, guys, these gifs are so insane it is even breaking the Uptown Almanac ROCK SOLID CODEBASE:

I don't even know what this fucking error message means yo

The most important thing to note about the GIF PARTY breaking out on the internet everywhere is that youtube baiting has moved to gif.  For example, if Perez Hilton tweeted out something like, “If you are easily offended, do NOT click here. Oh, Miley! Warning: truly not for the easily offended!” and linked to this, teenage girls everyone would off themselves with embarrassment.
