Mission District


I think it is great that SundayStreets will be bringing the World Cup to the sun deprived residents of the Mission, but I can't help but wish they were showing it Dolores Park again this year:

* Little known fact: whiny people blame the 2006 showing of the World Cup in Dolores Park as the major cause of the park's modern day popularity.

(link - Photo by David Summa)

Levi's Workshops Not Really Doing Anything For the Community?

Reader and local print maker nathalie has some words on the matter:

Hi. There is an idea that the public can go here and print. There is no info about a supposed public day on the levisworkshop site. An article in sfgate said that Sunday is public day and that one needs merely to sign up. I emailed through the levisworkshop site regarding specifics, how does one sign up, do you need to bring your own paper? no one responded. Today I went in to ask theses same questions and was told to just show up on Sunday and that I could use the facilities and supplies. I'll try it Sunday and let you know how it goes. My intention is to prove that anyone can print there if that is true and set an example. If anyone can really print there, let's bombard the place and print our show posters, art prints whatever. Am I naive to think this is a possible? “Sales” from items in this “store” I am told by a worker go directly to your choice of a provided list of mission non profits. I appreciate the intention of this levisworkshop project to provide public facility and benefit local non profits but so far I am not convinced that the execution of this intention is successful. So far they are getting a lot of attention and press but has anyone from the mission community benefited from this experiment?

I know from personal experience that on Sundays they let you play with the print making equipment, but it didn't look like they were letting you do any type-setting.

Maybe reader Greg has a point and they don't owe us or the community shit:

Corporations are part of life in 2010. Your car is corporate. Your clothes are corporate. Your computer is corporate. Your phone is corporate. Your bike is corporate. Your shoes are corporate. Your house is made of corporate wood. Your activist spray-paint is corporate. And the drugs to keep you from feeling depressed from your own anarchist mind are corporate. Better get used to your place in the space/time continuum because it's where you are.

Levi's is trying to incorporate into the community by adapting and providing something useful & interesting & artistic. Is there business and branding motives behind it - sure - we live in a capitalist city and country. But no one complains when a mom & pop shop puts up a trashy store that gives nothing back to the community - why? What's the difference? Trash is okay as long as it's local? They're local employees at Levi's. They're local managers at Levi's. Hell, they're even a local headquarters that started in San Francisco. So are we to vandalize any Valencia street company that actually grows beyond Valencia st.

At the end of the day, it still feels like they are just taking advantage of Valencia St.   From what I understand, they are doing some filming in the store for a new national ad campaign “Everybody's Work is Equally Important.”  Feels like a crappy, corporate “Real World: Valencia St.”  But, hey, you can use their print-making tools on Sunday, so I guess it's cool?

Mop Haircut

Even though I can never remember the name of the appliance store on Bartlett at 21st, they have the most stylin' mannequin on the pale side of Mission St. 

The Ultimate Downer Party Music Video

San Francisco Independence Day set to The Downer Party from daniel jarvis on Vimeo.

Daniel Jarvis peeps us to his 4th of July moving picture show set to the music styling of The Downer Party.  Makes me wish I had the requisite stupidity to drink and drive through the city of San Francisco*

Shot on the Canon HV-30 aka “The Cowboy Cam” at Mission Dolores Park, 24th and Harrison, The Uptown, The Phone booth, Bernal Heights (courtesy of Loren Risker) and all over the roads of San Francisco! 

Song “Being a Teenager is Free Palestine” by the talented and beautiful Sierra Frost of The Downer Party

* It's possible that there's a DD on that motorized bicycle.


(also spotted @)

Guys, quick! Let's prepare for Jesus!

Okay, you've all seen this so I'm sure you already skimmed past it, but in case you're still reading, I'll provide you with some quick tips on how to prepare for Jesus, since, let's face it, you're probably not ready. If this lady is spending her holiday weekend asking if you're ready, then you're really not ready.  If you're still reading this, then I know, you're not ready. 

Basically one of five scenarios could happen when Jesus comes. 

1. Pool Party: Think back to Noah's ark. Now think about that “I'm on a Boat” song. Now throw in like 100 wild animals. THINK OF ALL THE PSEUDO HIPSTER GIRLS THAT WOULD BE ALL OVER THAT. You're so ready. Bring your ironic towel. 

2. Apocalypse: Jesus will dim the lights and say “it's about to heat up in here!” Then some crappy drum music will kick in and suddenly it's that dance party that you always talk shit about, but you really want to go to, but no one wants to go with you, so you just sit at home and drink PBR and talk about how American Apparel has really sold out, but you're still wearing their clothes because, dude, you bought it before they sold out, and your parents haven't given you money in a while so you can't buy anything else. But whatever, heat does some cool stuff to lomo film so don't worry about the end of the world, worry about your next Facebook photo album.

3. Super Zombies: Didn't Jesus come back from the dead? Wouldn't this be him coming back from the dead twice? Aren't zombies totally hip and cool right now? This could be the next big iPhone app. Developers, get on this, you could be rich, but the world would also be over, so it's a toss up.

4. Wes Anderson Film: Jason Schwartzman could play Jesus and it'll show Jesus doing his little Jesus daily tasks with the Alec Baldwin voice over: “Jesus Son of God wakes everyday at 6 am to the Beatles 'Good Morning, Good Morning' because his first grade school crush once said “if you don't wake up to a good morning then you'll have a bad life.” He makes two eggs, fried, for breakfast but always throws one away. After he showers he brushes his teeth for exactly 15 seconds before spitting. He takes his coat with him to work even when it's hot outside and feels guilty about air conditioning. He spends his evenings looking up drink coasters online with The Weather Channel playing on his TV. He believes cats have a greater meaning, dogs are overrated and electrolytes are complete bullshit.”

5. Shower: I mean, Jesus is coming. That could get messy. 

I hope you took notes and I'm sorry for number 5, but I mean, how could I not go down that path?

How Good is Mission Chinese Food?


Last night I had the pleasure of stuffing my face with most of their vegetarian options and HOLY HELL I WANT MORE.  Their vegan chinito (pictured) was by far the highlight of evening, with a strong second place going to the Lung Shan's Vegan Delight (mushroom dumpling soup).  It's pretty obvious they are still getting the kinks out of the system (some items were not available for order, delivery came much later then expected, there was no total on the receipt so TCB Courier had to figure out how much I owed them), but the food is still delicious and reasonably priced.  I'm sure in a few weeks when all the buzz dies down, they'll be at the top of their game.

I give them 5 out of 5 mullet haircuts.  (Ordinary would have received a 4 out of 5 but they get bonus points for animated ninja's flying across their menu).

New Jay Howell Mural Outside Kilowatt

Fresh from our “not everything on 16th has to be shitty” department, Jay Howell put up this mural about a week or so ago.  While I personally lingered around and didn't get a chance to check it out until Friday evening, it's absolutely worth rushing over now to see it yourself.  Colorful, wacky people with strange faces and great hair.  What's not to love?
