— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
Erica says:
The air was filled with thousands of bees and the buzzing was so loud I could hear them from my the apartment. Now they’re building a nest in my backyard. Yippee.
If you’re allergic, you might want to steer clear of Dolores Park over the next few day. Or don’t. I’ll just steal your beer when you go into shock and they take you away in an amberlamps.
Comments (7)
Birite’s rooftop beehive might be responsible.
Mutha fuckin bees son!
Sounds like a local colony just split…
I had a minor panic attack just looking at that photo.
Here’s my paranoid “the Greens will someday kill us all” theory:
There are all these Hippy Drippy community gardens (which are actually wonderful places, don’t get me wrong) that feature beehives. Great way to keep out the foraging homeless vegan Vietnam vets with PTSD – BEES!!!!. But what happens to the happy bee collective when a horny, disruptive hipster bee creates havoc? My theory is that these castaway bees go and create their own marauding “Mad Max” scenario – like “Bad Bees, beyond the hive.” And of course since they are hipsters, they head straight for the DP. I fantasize about “The Birds” except its “The Bees,” and its unleashed on the $1,000,000,000,000,000 new DP Playground. At lunchtime.
Coincidentally, or not, there was a swarm of bees in the air and in a tree, on Valencia Street, 3 pm just as they were shutting down Sunday Streets. Was it 18th? I think so. The tree was on Valencia near the SE corner of the intersection. Hopefully Animal Care and Control got out there and figured out how to relocate the hive. I think maybe they were upset by the vuvuezelas.
Oh yeah, you just said that.