Mission District

ATTN LOCAL BUSINESSES: How to get free advertising on Uptown Almanac!

******(un)PAID ADVERTISTMENT*******

Do you own a struggling business?  Need to connect with a young audience?  Do you like mopping?  If you answered yes to these questions, you may qualify for free advertising on Uptown Almanac!

Unbeknownst to them at the time, the fabulous people at Dirty Thieves on 24th and Treat were our trial subjects.  Here's how it works: you give one or more of members of #TEAM_UppyAlmy $40 to go to Pop's and get 'fucking blitzed'.  We'll then go back to your place of business, order one beer, put Beastie Boys on the jukebox and then puke all over your fine establishment. It worked for Dirty Thieves, it could work for you!

Dirty Thieves: We have Biggie and the Beastie Boys on the jukebox.  'nuff said.

Is Pop's Bar the Worst Place to Park Your Bike?

If you read various Mission blogs or SF bike forums, you would have noticed that once a month some poor bastard gets their bike stolen or stripped outside of Pop's bar.  Well, it happened again last night.  What's going on here?

1160 York St.

That's right.  The dude that keeps stealing bikes (he even stole a bartender's dog and tried to sell it back to him) lives at 1160 York St. and no one (including SF's finest) will touch him.  You've been warned.

THIS WEEKEND: PBR Pinball Tourney & Rock Make Street Fest.

#TEAM_UppyAlmy has been invited to participate in this invitation pinball tournament (FUNDING THE KEEP-A-BREAST FOUNDATION PEOPLE!), so naturally it is my privilege to invite you to come watch us suck at pinball.  PBR and REBEL8 are going to provide ping pong, pinball machines and some tacos for non-competitors, so it ought to be a good time. 

The event is open to the public, so I highly encourage inviting as many friends as possible, particularly for the purpose of cheerleading. We will also have 200 limited edition tees and posters by Mike Giant (who will also be doing a live piece), all for the ridiculously low price of $20, as well as the El Tonayense Taco Truck (I will provide some freebie tacos) and “refreshments”, so bring cash! I am not charging for the tournament, but would love if everybody  made a small donation to Keep A Breast.

TEAMS CONFIRMED: HUF, Benny Gold, FTC, Medicine Agency, Workshop, Bender’s, Fecal Face, Rebel8, 330 Ritch, Evergold/SFAQ, Self Edge, Bro Palace, 111 Minna, Indie Mart, #TEAM_UppyAlmy

As I mentioned, we’ll have the Taco Truck there, as well as ping pong and other games for the general public. Machines will also be open to public for free play after the tournament has wrapped up, so please encourage all your friends to come out.

I went to Rock Make last year and it was a pretty quality time (and free).  I was able to purchase a tshirt with a pigeon screen-printed on it, so that is a huge one up.

As you probably know The Bay Bridged is hosting our 3rd Annual Rock Make Street Festival THIS Sunday, August 22nd in the Mission District.  There will be 15 local and kids rock bands, 100 arts vendors, beer gardens, comedians, jumpy houses, animal demonstrations and more!


Tiny Dick Syndrome, A Growing Issue

One of my favorite recent episodes of South Park when they attempt to redefine the word “fag” as “an extremely annoying, inconsiderate person most commonly associated with Harley riders.”  Perhaps it's a favorite because I had the particular misfortune of living near a Harley shop in Boston and tools would drive by my house all hours of the day.  Thankfully, this particular brand of douche had been a relative anomaly up until this summer.  For some reason, this gang of former high school losers has been obnoxiously parading around the Mission with increasing frequency.  Worst of all, their gang surrounds around the use of scooters with some of the worst emissions imaginable.  Anyways, fuck scooters.  Next time I have the urge to piss in public, you know where it's going.

(photo and title by @JeffreyDKoff)

Three people shot on 17th and Mission last night

You may have noticed a number of fire trucks, ambulances and police cars on the corner of17th and Mission last night. That's because three men were shot by a gunman who escaped on foot. Two of them were shot in the leg and one was shot in the chest. KCBS has the developing story. Police are still looking for the gunman. 

iPhone photo courtesy of Dolapo Falola.

Rough day for our neighborhood. Stay safe, people.

There's Something About Mary Sing-A-Long with Jonathan Richman

If you love INDIE ROCK LEGEND Jonathan Richman, movies featuring jizz in Cameron Diaz's hair and sing-a-longs, then on Thursday grab $3, your best flannel and head to Lost Weekend Video.  From the Lost Weekend Video email list:

The big announcement you may have already seen in the window of the store is next week's performance by local indie rock legend Jonathan Richman. Next Thursday August 19th, Jonathan will be in the store performing live accompaniment to the film 'There's Something About Mary' by the Farrelly Brothers ('Kingpin', 'Shallow Hal') starring Cameron Diaz and Ben Stiller. If you've seen the film, you may remember that Jonathan performs as a sort of Greek Chorus - providing commentary and transition between major scenes. On Thursday, Jonathan will perform this role live as we watch the film, adding bits that were cut out or never used. This is a one time event that will never happen again and only at Lost Weekend Video. Jonathan performs sold out shows around town for the big bucks, but on this night you'll only pay $3 entrance - mostly to cover the cost of having to close for the event. Drinks and snacks will be available. We'll be moving the shelves, so there should be plenty of room, but please arrive early as we will have to make sure things don't get out of hand. Performance will start at dusk, so doors should be around 8pm. It's going to be awesome!


Yelp IRL: Blondies' Bar & No Gril

The one time I went to Blondies' was a Friday night this past winter* and the bar was full of dancing 40-year-olds straight outta Discovery Bay.  Not that I'm saying it was bad, but it certainly isn't the scene I'd expect on Valencia.  Aside from the odd scene, the place didn't seem that bad.  Plus, Ariel tells me they have killer Bloody Marys.  Well, this marker review seems to disagree with my takeaway.  What happened duder?  Did a cougar shut you down?  You don't like old people dancing to “Move Bitch”?

Erie St. Banksy Mural "Censored"

When a group of artists proposed to “finish” the mural Banksy “started,” many were quick to call bullshit.  I personally thought this was a classic case of capitalizing off other people's work but, hey, it was a better proposition than just painting over Banksy's “vandalism.”  Well, Blouz is reporting that the building owner, clearly a connoisseur of the arts, complained about the contents of the surrounding mural and ordered it to be covered up.  That's right boys and girls, mushrooms are too offensive for the mural designed to profit off of/protect Banksy's spraypaint for years to come.  Hats off to everyone on this one; the cacophony of dots really elevated the aesthetic quality of this wall.

