Events, Happenings & Scenes


So there’s an art opening at Cafe Royale this Thursday called “Hipster Apocalypse,” and reading about it I’m just like….ughhhhhhh. I mean, read the description:

Ironically, although hipsters have existed in one form or another for decades, the hipster movement has become more main stream, influencing the American status quo by supporting alternative art, music, and fashion. Like an epidemic of entitlement, the hipster condition has spread across America and over the seas to Japan and other countries susceptible to American culture. We see hipsters every day riding their fixed-gear bicycles on their way to studying film at local art schools. They drink the most expensive coffee and the cheapest beer. Imagine a world where alternative culture is pop culture; a world where Vampire Weekend plays the half time show at the Super Bowl instead of Bruce Springsteen; a world where stores selling used records and clothing are as large and as common as Walmart. The purpose of this show is to create awareness of the hipster way and the rise in demand for outrageous moustaches, vacuum sealed jeans, high-school sports tee shirts, and the over-consumption of Pabst Blue Ribbon.

Now, (TAKING ALL OF MY STRENGTH TO OVERLOOK THEIR USE OF THE WORD IRONIC) I don’t generally drink Pabst because I have taste buds, but I do a lot of hipstery things like not eating meat and loving boys with ironic facial hair. And I’m just tired of the term “hipster”.  It feels like 20-somethings are divided into “hipsters” and “bros and beezies,” and they’re supposed to hate each other and be condescending towards each other and blah blah blah.  And at this point I'm like WHO CARES. We all grew up with a sense of entitlement because most of us were born to upper middle class white people who coddled us and told us we were “special” while rearing us in suburbia and sending us to SAT prep classes because we were “destined to succeed.” Some of us embraced this upbringing, moved to the Marina, and continued to live off of the emotional and financial support of our parents. Others were like, “wait, but I’m different and I want people to know I’m different and SO not like my parents,” so they moved to the Mission and liked the same things everyone else liked, like second-hand flannel and oversized glasses, while continuing to live off of the emotional and financial support of our parents. So I guess my whole point is…don’t point the finger at hipsters for this culture of entitlement sweeping over the helpless nation “like an epidemic.” It’s my whole goddamned generation, and you created us.

That said, I'm sure it's all very lovely art (UNICORNS! RAAAAAINBOWS!!), and the reception goes from 8pm-midnight. make up your own minds, you goddamned conformists.

Is Carnaval the New Bay to Breakers?

On Sunday, I was looking for an excuse to get drunk before Church and I remembered it was Carnaval so I cracked open my first Keystone Light at 8:30 and made my way to 24th.  Turns out I wasn't the only other person in the mood.  In fact, with fears that Bay to Breakers might be canceled next year, I think Carnaval is easily the next big thing in SF degenerance:

  1. The streets are already closed to slow moving people and floats
  2. The streets are already filled with semi-naked boys and girls
  3. The streets are already filled with people dressed in funny costumes
  4. There are “mad roof parties”
  5. There are “mad stoop parties”
  6. The Mission is already covered in garbage and piss
  7. The parade ends very close to Dolores park, which is already full of garbage and piss

Let's do it people!  Fuck those whiny NOPA neighbors.  Let's do what we were born to do.  Let's get drunk on 24th and piss all over the Mission.

It's our calling.

Even old people were getting into the festivities


Apparently there is this thing called Carnaval in the Mission.  Neat!  Unfortunately it starts at 9:30 in the morning (7:30 if you live anywhere near the hippie drum circle warm-up lounge).   Anyways, because I assume most of you had better things to do with your morning, like have sex and eat Lucky Charms, I took my 7-year-old point-and-shoot that has survived two drops in the toilet (I like taking pictures of myself peeing) and my 5-month-old iPhone.  Which do you think took better photos?  Enjoy:

My Carnaval started out just right: two smug white people complaining about “idiots” using disposable coffee cups.  For a hot second, I mumbled “fucking tourists.”  Then I remembered I was in San Francisco.

Carnaval 2010 Press Pool

Carnaval is the only time of the year when you can be coked out swinging a machete down 24th and not get shot by police.

The world's most embarrassing gang initiation ceremony.

The street closures presented the perfect opportunity for hipster divas to take “epic profile pics.”

I initially photographed this girl because I thought she looked like Cousin Itt.

After Zorro here tried to whip my camera out of my hand, he discovered his cape wasn't bullet-proof.

It was truly a hallmark year for fashion.  For example, this bro managed to incorporate every one of the hipster primary colors into his outfit.

Here is my proof that I witnessed a celebrity sighting.

I kept waiting for Peter Parker to change into his Spideysuit, but it never happened.

Anyways, what was my favorite scene of Carnaval 2010?


Undead/90s tribute bands to headline Live 105's BFD

(Rome Ramirez of 'Sublime with Rome' via Hipstamtic Prints?)

The last Live 105 BFD concert I went to was in 2000.  It was a bizarre, tumultuous time for music during which people thought it was a really good idea to have a band like Stone Temple Pilots OPEN for Limp Bizkit. Since then, BFD has continued on as an annual fixture in the lives of mainstream music lovers, occasionally even slipping in a new/legit act (Spoon, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, etc). 

This year, possibly to mark the tenth anniversary of having THE MOST EMBARRASSING BAND EVER headline (FYI: Limp Beezy is back with a new single yall!!) Live 105 has decided to out do themselves with the most mind boggling douchetard lineup conceivable; proving to everyone that they're all still stuck in the worst parts of the mid to late 90s.  Let's examine the three headlining acts:

  1. Sublime with Rome:  This post-mortem/zombie jam revival band began as a collaboration between original members Eric Wilson and Bud Gaugh when they realized they were broke and lacked transferable job skills (apparently Enterprise Rent-A-Car doesn't favor resumes that list 'tolerating strung-out lead singers' and 'taking mad bong hits'.)   They recruited some Sublime-obsessed kid named Rome Ramirez (I use the term kid quite seriously; dude was born in 1988, the same year that Sublime was originally formed) to front the band and immediately got sued when they tried to use the 'Sublime' moniker in 2009.  The original Sublime played their last Live 105 concert as an opener for BFD in 1995.
  2. Hole:  Yes, as in Courtney mother fucking Love, Hole.  This travesty of a band's last Live 105 show was Not So Silent Night 1998.
  3. Deftones:  They're still a band???  Their last Live 105 show was Not So Silent Night 2000. Not only are Deftones still a band, but are apparently coming out with some sort of comeback album.

('Guerilla' marketing for Deftones outside of Madrone Art Bar, via Alyssa.)

Pop's First Annual Slam Dunk Contest: A Photo Journal

This past Saturday, amidst sunny skies and blistering winds, Pop's Bar on 24th and York St. held its first annual Slam Dunk Contest, and it was awesome. The contestants gathered at the local dive around 4 p.m. or so to properly lubricate themselves before taking part in bar game history. There were costumes, there was a shirtless man, there was a girl, there was an ecstatic crowd, there were embarrassing falls and flops, and there were plenty of authoritative slam-fucking-dunks. Below is a set of choice photos from the proceedings.

Michaelangelo had some issues.

Why is that guy dressed like a pizza?!

There's that girl I was talking about.

Sometimes less clothing means more air.

Friends were helping friends.

One-Eyed Ron fucking owned the game.

Free Pete looking like a basketball card.

Does this kid got style or what?!

Nicknamed “GQ” by the crowd, this dunker rose above his name to deliver some serious dunks.

Seriously! Why is that guy wearing a pizza costume?!

Damn! Pizza got hops.

Get it in there, Ron!

GQ from the free-throw line!

Pizza wins 1st, GQ wins 2nd, and One-Eyed Ron gets 3rd!


I’m in Boston mourning the tragic loss of Razzy’s and enjoying 80-degree days and 68 degree nights (68 AT NIGHT people.  NIGHT), but if I were in SF, I would certainly go get drunk at this opening.  I mean, fuck slow food.  That shit is poison.  But I’m sure there will be veggie options.  Plus, do you ever go to the Dogpatch?  I didn’t think so.  Might I recommend a bonfire on Toxic Beach afterwards?

Join me in some incoherent ranting about the winners of the SF Weekly Readers' Poll!

So my friend Kahla and I just happened upon the SF Weekly Readers’ Poll winners of 2010. We’ve been embroiled in a heated discussion over Facebook Chat for the past hour, and all I can say is, wow, most of these are pure WTF. You can find the winners here.

(New Village Cafe; THIS is what a delicious greasy spoon breakfast looks like!)

First of all, what is up with some of the categories? It seems as though many of them were created with a specific business in mind. As much as I love Kozy Kar minus all the Marina-ness, it doesn’t make sense to vote a place “Best Place to Get Drunk on a Waterbed” when, as far as I know, it’s the only bar with waterbeds, which most of the time are unusable anyway since all the Marina people throw their coats on them. As for “Best Club Night to Wear Flannel,” let’s be honest, most people who go to Debaser probably wear flannel every other night they go out. Overall I think the nightlife ones are the worst. For one thing, we aren’t exactly sure how Supperclub is a Bizarre Nightlife Experience, other than that it’s, as Kahla eloquently puts it, “full of tacky people with no style.” If we wanted to see that, we’d skip the $70 dinner, roll to some happy hour bar in the Financial District and maybe have the added bonus of finding me a rich, absentee husband. If the category were “Best Cocaine-Fueled Shithole” instead of “Best Hipster Bar,” I can see how Delirium would be a shoo-in, but I’m not hating. Clearly those elusive hipsters they speak of didn’t vote in this poll, but hey, least the SF Weekly hasn’t blown up a bar that I actually like.

I could quibble with the Food & Drink winners for hours, and I recognize that much of it is just a matter of taste — evidently, I have better taste than most people who vote in SF Weekly reader polls — but I really couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t address “Best Greasy Spoon.” The Pork Store? Really? Having a lot of cholesterol in your food does not a greasy spoon make. Readers, do yourselves a favor and take your broke, hungover asses to one or more of the following: Golden Coffee on Sutter & Leavenworth, New Village on Polk & California or Mission’s Kitchen on Mission & 23rd … unless, of course, you’re one of the people who voted for The Pork Store and you like overpaying to clog your arteries. Seriously though. Golden Coffee. Order the pancake sandwich. Greasy enough to block alcohol from further absorbing into the lining of your stomach, but not so greasy to necessitate a Tums pregame. If that’s not perfection, I don’t know what is.

Anyway, did this incite violent anger in anyone else but me? Which winners did you agree or disagree with, and who deserved the award?
