Get the Fuck Outta My Newsfeed: Hipstamatic Prints


If I see the word “Hipstamatic” pop up in my Newsfeed one more time I swear to god I’m going to go around smashing iPhones into fucking oblivion.  You are flooding the shit out of my newsfeed and seriously hampering my hourly stalking of girls that I did/didn’t have sex with two to six years ago.  

And like that shitty Happy Meal toy I didn’t want, every Newsfeed instance of that apex-douche term “Hipstamatic” comes complete with a lame picture you took of your dull day-to-day life, plus the synthetically retro after affects you added to make it seem one ten-thousandth less dull.  FUCK. 

edit: And for the record; yes I do know that I can “hide Hipstamatic Share for iPhone” but motherfuckers be double posting as wall photos telling me all about what kind of ‘rad’ fake lenses and no-longer-produced film you didn’t actually use.  I’d prefer to block your app, not you.  Don’t tempt me.

Comments (8)

please do.


more anonymous hate please

Those headphones look to be about 10 years old. Vintage? Poor sound quality revival?

it’s times like this where my ignorance of pop culture and new fads is rewarded.



Sounds like someone had a bit of cocaine.

How do you hide the Hipstamatic stuff from your wall? This is driving me nuts!