Snow Graces Mission Dolores
— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
Who's down to haul whatever snow machine that made this over to Dolores Park and turn the slip-n-slide into some proper winter bone breakage?!
— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
Who's down to haul whatever snow machine that made this over to Dolores Park and turn the slip-n-slide into some proper winter bone breakage?!
— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
Someone—or something—in the vicinity of 22nd and Fair Oaks is still having wild and crazy “first contact” parties following the recent discovery of Kepler 22b. Which begs the question: what's a “first contact party” and where's my invite?
Also, your sleep-deprived neighbor doesn't give a shit about aliens, dude.
— By Zach Perkins |
A few weeks ago (November 21st to be exact) I woke up to find myself in a crime scene. My block of 25th St was tapped off by uniformed SFPD officers standing guard over a series of green plastic evidence markers along the side walk. As I left for work, I realized just how huge the crime scene actually was. There were at least 4 more officers on the street, standing watch over similarly tapped off blocks of 25th from Potrero, all the way to Alabama. With all the evidence markers scattered about, my roommates and I chalked it up to a shooting, which is a reasonable assumption when you live in gang injunctioned Norteño territory. The thing is, there were no shell casings, impacts or any other tell-tale signs of urban gunplay. Plenty of our neighbors were outside looking equally puzzled, and none of them recalled hearing anything the night before. I trucked off to work, and had forgotten about it ever since.
It turns out that there were no gunshots. The crime in question was in fact a violent rape that began after a woman was followed along 24th St, and then attacked near Potrero. After strangling and punching her, the suspect raped her, robbed her, and ran off along 25th toward Alabama. The same suspect is believed to have stuck again last week, this time assaulting, raping and robbing a woman near the corner of 24th and Fair Oaks. Just like the November incident, the woman was approached and followed along 24th St, between the hours of 3am and 6:30am. Fair Oaks area residents, being of notably higher income than my own neighborhood, are already using their collective might to leverage improved safety measures out of the incident (such as better street lighting), and made those demands to police at a community meeting held last night.
This morning, the SFPD released surveillance camera footage of the suspect, who is described in both attacks as a black male, around 30, of medium build and between 5'9” and 6'. As much as I'd like to support going all vigilante on this piece of shit's ass, call the anonymous SFPD line at (415) 575-4444 if you've got tips.
UPDATE I: SFPD have just released a new, more detailed sketch of the suspect.
UPDATE II: SF Appeal reports that the SFPD announced a $25,000 reward at last night's community meeting.
Updated Police sketch released today.
— By Jennifer Kelley |
Gestalt's water-soaked pool table (GET IT? POOL TABLE) as seen late on Wednesday, November 30th, after a crazyperson pulled the fire alarm.
Known for its bike-friendly attitude and an extensive selection of German beer on tap, the Mission’s Gestalt Haus is a popular hub along 16th Street. The work of local artists decks the warm, red walls and a high-end sound system is often set at a low decibel, allowing conversations to unfold amid the clinking of liter mugs and the clacking of always-in-use pool cues.
Such was the scene as midnight hit on a recent Tuesday: Patrons lined the bar, sausages sizzled, and an iPhone manned the deejay booth. Then, *bam* The vibe went from chill to shrill, shattered by the piercing shriek of the fire alarm and soaked with streams of water from the sprinkler system. As soggy drunks scrambled outside and SFFD sirens drew near, owner Dan Hawkins got the heads-up call. It’s one to which he has become rather accustomed; in fact, the exact same thing occurred a week prior, triggered by a false alarm set off on the building’s second floor. (The latest kerfuffle was brought to Gestalt by a waste-bin fire in the boiler room.) “This is the tenth time this has happened,” he tells me. “It’s those fucking crackheads again.”
Hawkins is referring to city-supported inhabitants of the Sixteenth Street Hotel, which sits above Gestalt and does indeed house an array of mentally ill, alcohol-dependent and, yes, often crack-addicted tenants – courtesy of San Francisco’s Department of Human Services (DHS) and federal mandate. It is one of 50 single-room occupancy (SRO) hotels in the Mission District, which account for a significant portion of more than 3,500 “supportive housing” units throughout the city as part of the Newsom-era “Care Not Cash” program. One of the more controversial aspects of The Gav’s teetotaling local legacy, it cuts participants’ monthly welfare checks from $422 to $59 in exchange for providing shelter and other services.
While the chronic Poors under city “Care” no longer have the cash for, say, a bottle of Newsom’s PlumpJack Cab’, the money saved ostensibly funds affordable-housing requirements. Critics, however, say the program’s success is essentially defined by the number of rooms available, not the ongoing stability of the Section-8 tenants therein or the improvement of their quality of life (from the lady taking her pants off in front of a crowded sidewalk cafe, to the dude raging on an unfortunate newspaper stand, tenants of these city-run SROs aren’t exactly under “managed care.”)
Firefighters outside of Gestalt, dealing with the aftermath caused by the errant fire alarms.
But he, like many of us, is pretty used to encountering crazy, sometimes cracked-out peeps shuffling along city streets (it’s part of San Francisco’s unique, urine-scented charm, no?) The regular triggering of his building’s fire alarm and sprinkler system during business hours, however, is another story. “Between all the water damage, replacing electronic equipment, furniture, and–mainly–the lost income from having to shut down and clean the place, it’s cost me tens of thousands of dollars out of pocket–easily,” he muses.
But while the oft-beleaguered business owner can rather calmly tick off various incidents over the years (the drunk-in-an-overflowing-bathtub snafu that brought down half of Gestalt’s ceiling on Cinco de Mayo ’08, the dude who fell asleep with a cigarette in hand and ignited his bed, trash thrown from windows catastrophically clogging the rain gutter…), what actually gets a rise out of him is pondering tax dollars pissed away on the constant SFFD and EMT resources needed to quell his upstairs neighbor’s constant shenanigans: “It’s unreal. I see so much time and money and manpower wasted–and that’s just on this block. The sad thing is that a lot of this crap could be avoided if the city was actually doing its job and providing the proper resources for these people. It is bullshit, man; total bullshit.”
As if on cue, our conversation is cut off by the siren of an approaching ambulance, and–I kid you not–it stops right in front of Gestalt. Hawkins stands up and looks at me knowingly. “I’m telling you, this shit was not in the brochure.” With a half-smile/half-grimace on his face, he shakes his head and starts to head back behind the bar. “You want a beer?”
— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
After getting burned out of their Lower Haight location and taking up a temporary refuge out in the middle of no where, Fecal Face Gallery is opening back up (permanently!) at Mission and 19th between Beauty Bar and The Dark Room:
We can finally shut up about FFDG's fire, about FFDG's temp space, about all the transitions, because we signed a 2 year lease on a new space in the heart of the Mission District last night!
FFDG is now at 2277 Mission St, San Francisco, CA. 94110
Our first show is the American version of the MCD print show featuring prints by Jeremy Fish, Matt Furie, Aiyana Udesen and others we had in Sao Paulo, Brazil back in July of this year (pics) opening up on Friday, January 6th (6-9pm). More details on that show very soon.
Fuck ya!
— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
The construction of the new skatepark slated to be build behind Zeitgeist at Duboce and Mission has been running a bit behind schedule this year, but things are finally starting to look up. According to the SF Skateboarding Association, the Rec. & Park Department was “signing off on taking over maintenance responsibilities for the park” back in October, the air quality assessment is all wrapped up, and the request for proposals from construction companies is out.
Now, according to the SF Appeal, Tony Hawk is donating $10,000 to help fund the project later this afternoon:
Skateboarders in San Francisco wanting to be like Tony Hawk just got a boost from the skating legend himself—the city announced today that Hawk is giving a $10,000 grant to a new South of Market skate park.
The grant from the Tony Hawk Foundation is helping to fund the SOMA West Skate Park, located at Mission Street and Duboce Avenue, and improve other skate parks around the city, according to San Francisco's Recreation and Park Department.
They're now saying construction will start this spring and the park will be open come fall, and they're still going with that awful “SOMA West Skate Park” name (who even refers to that slice of The Mission as SOMA anyway?), but it looks as though things are actually happening.
— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
All your favorite Valencia corridor merchants have teamed up for the 4th year to help save you money on holiday gifts you were planning on buying anyway. Gifts from the likes of Good Vibrations:
Good Vibrations is proud to be the Mission district’s sexy holiday resource! Get in the mood for mistletoe with complimentary chocolates and sparkling cider from 6-10pm and take 15% off when you spend $50 or more! Let our sex educator sales associates help you pick out the perfect gift for everyone on your list, and don’t forget yourself! Be sure to check out our sexy holiday kits and our special Ecorotic line, the natural choice for eco-friendly fun.
And Hangr 16:
DJ Jimmy Hits will be rocking the turntables and we'll be serving free drinks. Plus, 10% off these giftables: ties, underwear, jewelry and t-shirts. 7pm to 10pm
And HMS Beekeeper:
10% off everything in the store, hot honey-sweetened chai, and we'll be hosting Rocket Dog Rescue with dogs for adoption. Noon to 8pm.
Like years past, some shops will be spinnin' jams and dishing out booze, but if you're planning on painting the neighborhood red, it's best to swing by your favorite corner store and brown bag it.
The party officially kicks off at 5pm and goes until 10, but some merchants are running on their own schedule. Check out MHBP's facebook for more info and what other deals are out there.
— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
As most anyone on the Mission coffeeshop circuit can tell you, Pro Grounds is pretty much the best place to overhear pure crazy while pretending to get work done in the entire 94110 zipcode (their berry buster smoothie is pretty good too). And come January, you'll be able to enjoy the sights and sounds of 21st and Bryant while sucking back cheap beer and house wine.
According to the woman manning the counter yesterday afternoon, they're extending their hours until 9-10pm every night, helping fill that much-needed late-night caffeine/complimentary wifi void in the neighborhood. Mind you, these things tend to (unexpectedly) take a while (The Roxie has been waiting to get beer since May), but, beer!
— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
Should you find the standard holiday soiree too family-friendly, be sure to put The Roxie's annual Christmas boozefest on next year's calendar. Not only will you delight in rambunctiously cheering and mocking Bruce Willis and Carl Winslow's feats of strength in vaguely Christmas-related flicks like Die Hard, the whole thing is MCed by a wine-guzzling, blunt-smoking, can-crushing Santa Claus.
We can only hope next year's bash involves Bad Santa and a bathtub full of 40s.
— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |