
Fashion Town


Fashion Town is my go to spot for a birthday gift for a friend. I really want to get my wife that Boom Boom Pow shirt in the top right. Only issue with shirts with hella glitter is that you have to handwash this shit unless you want all your other clothes to be sparkly too. I would rock a lot of their gear but all the shit for dudes are crazy tall tees and I can’t get down with that unfortunately.

"I'd like to submit into evidence that Kevin Montgomery's iTunes library implicates him in the crime of listening to Haddaway's "What is Love?," followed by Ja Rule's "Holla Holla," at 3:32am last evening."

I also bought this:

Zazzle is the amateur porn of the fashion industry, but that doesn’t mean I love it any less.  Up until last night, I didn’t think there was anything redeeming about San Mateo.  Then I found this shirt.  “Finally, something to love.  Where is my company credit card?  Why yes, I would love another shot of plastic-bottle vodka and a Frank’s RedHot chaser.”

I must shake Frank’s marketing executive’s hand.

Lacoste Accostes Fixie Culture

I was on one of my rare trips downtown today so I could chill out with my favorite doctor (read: have a bunch of blood jacked from my arm for some sketchy tests).  I figured while being a little down on blood and hungry for some capitalism, I should take a solitary stroll around Union Square.  It was going so beautifully: a crackhead asking for change here, a Marina girl who couldn’t, like, possibly understand why Joe dumped her last night there.  Then all the sudden I spotted a loaf of Wonder Bread straight off the Kennedy Compound whimsically riding fixies because, shit, it’s summer-line time.

Buzz kill.

I ain't got no money in the bank...

Um, is that how that goes? I don’t get these new fangled rappers*. That’s because I’m about a thousand-years-old and HAVE (a modicum of) TASTE. I’d get behind a, “Oakland. Smokin’”  shirt tho. Can someone please get on that for me?? Luniz + Laura 4eva + eva + a day. 

Picture yanked from adorable SnackFace. If you want to skeeve over hot young thangs doing more with their lives than you ever will, head there. It’s thoroughly depressing YAY THE FUTURE!!!

*Except you, Lil’ Wayne! Call me, boo!



 American Apparel is on a Booty Hunt If you want to prove that SF is more than cankles and hypocrisy submit your ass today. Or you can just go to the site and get your perv on reviewing faceless asses. Personally I think it’s a lot of bad photos of pancakes and small bumps with a few donks and 80’s longbutt popping up every now and then. Some people just need to reevaluate their ass status before submitting into a competition because standing on your tiptoes only does so much.

Painted Bird Moves Locations from the Mission to the Mission.

The world’s greatest clothing store (especially for fat chicks because no other fat chicks shop there!), Painted Bird, is moving to Valencia b/ 25th & 26th. Basically right next door to where my boyfriend just moved from. So we could live together. SO TORN ABOUT THIS DECISION. 

Anyway, grand opening party on Friday, Jan 29, from 7-10 pm. See you there, I’ll be the chick hoarding all the cute clothes for fat chicks/eating all the snacks/drinking all the booze. AKA, The Life of the Party.


I Finally Saw That Blue Alien Treehugger Movie

I generally go to the movies no more than three times a year because, well, that $30 that you charge me to watch Saw XVIII, get a bag of synthetic butter and a thimble of corn syrup could be better spent getting faced with a box of Franzia while lighting the change on fire.  But tonight I stumbled upon some Humboldt trim kid scalping what I can only assume were counterfeit tickets to Avatar outside of the Metreon and that’s some general stupidity I can get behind.  Anyways, since $1.8 billion dollars worth of people have already seen this titanic acid-trip, I’ll spare you any more words on this and present to you a Mission pooch rocking a hot pair of Cameron stunners:
