American Apparel is on a Booty Hunt If you want to prove that SF is more than cankles and hypocrisy submit your ass today. Or you can just go to the site and get your perv on reviewing faceless asses. Personally I think it’s a lot of bad photos of pancakes and small bumps with a few donks and 80’s longbutt popping up every now and then. Some people just need to reevaluate their ass status before submitting into a competition because standing on your tiptoes only does so much.

Comments (5)

counterpoint: fuck that! only chicks with big ol’ asses should apply and force the fuckers at american apparel to stare at them and have no choice to put a fat ass in their campaigns. of course, they are a bunch of dick trickles and would just hire a model if those were their only choices but that would fucking rule. next AA casting call, i really want to do a fat flash mob on their asses. please to keep me posted!

count my fat ass in!

Thank you for bring this urgent matter to my attention.

I was going to try and get Velvet to try out for this, but she’s in South Africa filming a reality show and can’t go online, do email or Facebook. Still, it woulda been awesome if she had.

80s longbutt. Thank you for making my day. And yes, I will be borrowing this learned description from you.