
This Super Mario Bros. Mural Might Be the Best Mural Ohio Has Ever Seen

Guys.  I don't really give a fuck this is thousands of miles away from San Francisco, this entire wall in Cuyahoga County, Ohio is pure brilliance.  I mean, just look at how rad it is:

The mural was put together by Gargantuen, whose website's graffiti section doesn't work too well, but whatever.  Boy's spraypaint skills clearly compensate.  CROW, and it features typo, ridle, resp, lost, and arise.

(See all the images on Gargantuen Graffiti's photostream)

Are There Too Many SF Food Blogs?

7x7 actually published a piece I liked last week talking about the absurd amount of foodie coverage in the SF bloggernets.  I couldn't agree more.  Take today's BREAKING NEWS:

  1. Sunday at 3:54pm, Mission Mission mentions that Arinell pizza is now open until 3am on weekends.  Recognizing the relative unimportance of this news, Andrew labels it “breaking news.”
  2. 5:14pm - Mission Loc@l covers the story in “Today's Mission.”
  3. Monday 9:30 AM - Eater SF runs the story as a headline.
  4. 2:45pm - SFist runs the story as a headline.

This isn't even counting sites like 7x7, SFoodie, Urban Daddy, Inside Scoop or any of the other countless sites in the SF blogging echo chamber that I don't read anymore due to redundancy.  And, of course, this was really the most trivial of all SF dining news (if you really want to look at the absurd, look at the blogger circle jerk regarding Mission Chinese Food).

So, dearest Uptown Almanac readers, please ignore the irony of reblogging 7x7 and tell me:

  1. Are there too many SF blogs? Alright, we already know the answer to this one.
  2. Is #Team_UppyAlmy doing a good job of avoiding the blogger circle jerk?
  3. Do we post  too much street art?
  4. Do you want to see more news/BREAKING FOOD coverage?
  5. Should we just abandon the SF blogging ship and let people who live in Ann Arbor blog about the Mission?
  6. Should we start writing about cool kid culture/technology/the flickrnets in general and abandon our regional focus?
  7. Are hyperlocal blogs dead?

Cool Kid Products: Great Jugs of Wine

Man's consumption of wine has always made tits look bigger.  But for the first time ever, it's the girl's own drinking that does the job! (I SHOULD WRITE COPY FOR THESE ASSHOLES, AMIRITE?)  Thanks to the mad genius who invented this, I just went from total sleaze to Sommelier.  The 'Wine Rack' bra is possibly the greatest thing ever, at least since my uncle Larry got his head gear stuck in a cooler and accidently invented the beer hat.  

This sports bra looking contraption contains a reservoir that holds AN ENTIRE BOTTLE OF WINE (750ml), which is such a ridiculously large amount that it can “turn an A cup in to double Ds” and will inevitably lead to the complete collapse of the boob-job industry (surgery or booze? NO BRAINER).  According to Daily Mail, it's also “popular with New Jersey students” which is a total fucking shocker.  


Next Day

Tech Nerds: East of Mission St. Isn't the Mission

Some startup bros recently made a 'helpful' map for aspiring entrepreneurs telling them where they should plant their next VC-funded failure.  The idea behind the map isn't necessarily bad, but the descriptions of each location demonstrates a basic lack of familiarity of San Francisco and some really fucked up low-level racism.  For example, how could some “<3” the Mission but not include anything east of Mission or south of 24th on the map?  Because it's dangerous at night?  Gringo, please.  Just because there are more brown people and hookers east of Mission doesn't mean it is particularly dangerous.  In fact the Mission, if anything, is safer than all the other fun neighborhoods.  Also, “hipsters on Valencia sometimes obnoxious”?  Really?  Maybe they look obnoxious, but I rarely see “hipsters” just running around trying to directly piss people off.  To me, it just sounds like you were just the kid no one ever invited to the party.

I need an iPhone 4

Apparently everyone on earth has already seen this, but I was celebrating my purchase of some non-iPhone fancypants phone on the internets and Stefania Starfish linked to this. I'm getting that HTC EVO. I don't know anything about it, but I heard I can play Tetris on it, so that's all I need really. I can do that on the Razr that I've had for five years also, but that Tetris is too easy.

Where's my ChatRoulette App? I'm ready for Facial Time

My iPhone caught me using the land line last night.  Fuck off, I need my space.

Say what you want about the external antenna.  I had to watch a YouTube tutorial to figure out the exact way to hold the iPhone 4 to make it lose bars.  Believe me, It wasn't easy and was very, very uncomfortable.  The only people this “flaw” could possibly affect are mutant lefties with highly trained kung-fu grips.  And if that's how you hold a phone, you're definitely not somebody that I want to shake hands with. 

However unnecessary or limited it may be, Face Time is rad.  Seriously, this shit is going to revolutionize being pervy on ChatRoulette.  Once we have an app for that, you'll be able to connect, look at my face, and then switch to the back camera for a surprise shot of me wanking it.  REVOLUTIONARY. 


"Apple handing out water & granola to iPhone 4 customers like they are refugees"

Jesse over at Beer and Nosh peeped this scene about an hour ago.  As a sign that I'm not a true San Franciscan, I honestly don't get why people do this to themselves.  It's a device that connects you to the internet.  Presumably, you are already connected to said internet (via needing iTunes to use the damn phone), so you've probably heard of this ecommerce thing.  Whatever.  Free snacks!

Red Dawn 2010: San Francisco

(Photo via Governor Schwarzenegger's Twitter)

The Governator welcomed Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to San Francisco earlier this evening.  I'm kinda disappointed they didn't send Ivan Drago (HE MUST BREAK YOU).  Also disappointed that Arnie, with all his action cred, didn't do anything to stop this Red Invasion.  

According to SF Appeal, the Russians are after San Francisco's most valuable natural resource… Twitter.   Leave it to Gavin to quickly become collaborator #1 in the Russian Occupation of SF; he'll be facilitating Medvedev's access to Twitter HQ  tomorrow, where they will undoubtedly steal all our tweets for study and dissection back at ChatRoulette Labs.  

Avenge Me!  WOLVERINES!!!

Q: If Red Dawn took place in the Mission today, what would be the name of our youth based resistance cell?

  • Trustafarian Terrors
  • Fauxhemian Fangs
  • The Blue Ribbons
  • …?
