I need an iPhone 4

Apparently everyone on earth has already seen this, but I was celebrating my purchase of some non-iPhone fancypants phone on the internets and Stefania Starfish linked to this. I'm getting that HTC EVO. I don't know anything about it, but I heard I can play Tetris on it, so that's all I need really. I can do that on the Razr that I've had for five years also, but that Tetris is too easy.

Comments (3)

dude, you post way too much for someone who plans on passing the bar exam. take this for what it is (unsolicited advice) but some of the brightest people i have ever a chance to work with have failed the bar exam due to lack of preparation. (e.g., kathleen sullivan)

Hobbies, bro.

Dude, thanks for the unsolicited advice. I think the OVER A YEAR I have before I take the bar exam should give me plenty of time to study. But thanks for your concern.