
Noisebridge, SF's Only Hackerspace, Could Be Forced to Close

Bad news guys: Noisebridge, the collective hackerspace on Mission Street that provides a venue for people to collaborate on technical projects and hold classes/meetings, could be closing its doors come February.  Like many of the treasures in this town, Noisebridge is officially broke-ass and cannot pay rent.  The gist of their woes is that over the summer, the non-profit space was actually turning a profit, but they have slowly lost members and donations since then.  Now they're only taking in $2,500 a month, but having to spend nearly double that on rent and utilities.

Losing such a unique space would be one helluva bummer.  Not only is it the only public space to mess around with electronics, but pretty much anyone can walk in and use their wifi without having the buy an overpriced coffee and deal with sketchy coffee shop internet while some old dude tries to talk to you about Mad Men (don't ask).  Plus, they have a tea room, a swanky Big Bird mannequin, a robot wheelchair, refrigerator full of circuitry, and even an art wall.  It's basically as close to a 20-something Disneyland as Mission St. gets.

So, unless they get more members ($40-$80/month. Cheap!), donations, or people to sponsor a day, they'll be closing up in 6 weeks.  You know what to do.

Which Neighborhood Has the Dumbest Bloggers?

Earlier this month, Google announced a new advanced search tool that  helps filter websites by the complexity of their content called “Reading Level.” Clearly we don't know what algorithm Google uses to rate the blogs (perhaps we can blame the commenters for the crappy results?), but who doesn't love comparing a few San Francisco blogs?

Apparently the subtle complexities of PBR, Four Loko, bicycles, and the richly in-depth analysis of burritos were lost upon Google because according to its new ”Reading Level,” the Mission is home to the dumbest bloggers in San Francisco. 

Although some of our life choices may prove otherwise, it seems that #TEAM_UppyAlmy isn't the dumbest blog in San Francisco. Congratulations Mission Mission.

2% more literate? Must've been all of that wikileaks coverage that really put us over the top.



Looks like Mission Loc@l is the smartest blog representing the Mission. Must be the writer's nicely uniformed profile pictures. With no writers drunk or wearing a Pooh Bear costume in their photos, these people obviously take blogging very seriously.


And how did the other neighborhood blogs reading levels fare?

Looks like the Tenderloin, mostly known for its homeless, drug addicts, prossies, schizos, oh yeah, and UC Hastings Law School students is smarter than 2/3's of the Mission blogs.


The Lower Haight's HoodscopeSF, slightly dumber than the TL, slighty smarter than the 2/3's of the Mish.


Haighteration leads the pack for the gutter punks, retired hippies, and USF students that characterize the Haight.

The Marina fares well with 7x7. But really, how complex are their posts? About as complex as this.

Finally, San Francisco, your smartest blogging neighborhood according to Google's ”Reading Level” is Noe Valley. Congrats Noe Valley SF for being pretty average, but a whole lot better than the rest of us.

Newly Discovered Indie Prequel to 'Tron: Legacy' Screening for Free at the Independent Tonight

Unconfirmed rumors speculate that 2k8 internet celeb 'Tron Guy' will make a cameo as Jeff Bridges' digital love interest.

The Independent on Divis is screening Disney's original 1982 'Tron' tonight at 8pm for free*.  In anticipation, I'll be spreading rumors of a Daft Punk/Tron Guy co-DJ appearance via Twitter.  Details @ The Independent.

*= It should be noted that the Independent's definition of 'free' includes a footnote about a two drink minimum. 

The All-Seeing Eye of Bay Shore

Rimmed with fire, watchful and intent, the neon slit is a window into nothing. From high upon some great warehouse next to Jack in the Box there stabs southeast a rainbow flame, the flicker of which strikes acid flashbacks into all caught within its gaze. 

[ for ye of RSS. Music by Four Tet]

The locals no not from whence it came, but said it has hung above the 300 block of Bayshore Blvd between Cortland and Oakdale for months. Venture forth into this otherwise forgotten district, and let the lights irradiate.

Really Microsoft?

At some point during the chaos yesterday, some Microsoft marketing bros stenciled this ad up and down Valencia Street, letting people know they can rock out to MAROON 5 courtesy of the new Windows Phone.  Now, I don't want to get too into the music snobbery end of this considering I still listen to Third Eye Blind, but Maroon 5? Compared to the last set of bands Microsoft had in town when they debuted a failed phone, they at least used to get bands in town people actually wanted to see.

Anyway, I'm not really sure why the targeted Valencia with this.  Sure, it has foot traffic, but it has the sort of foot traffic that rolls their eyes at this as proof that Microsoft is 'totally lame.'  Plus, didn't these companies learn anything from the whole Zynga sidewalk marketing shitshow?


In staying with San Francisco's progressive tradition of non-violence, an area resident took it upon themselves to Sharpie the bejesus out of their crap printer.  As bats…, the taker of this fantastic photograph, said, “I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when he called his problem into HP Support.”  I can only imagine the rage this person felt.  Calling up support, probably yelling about how the printer is a fantastic example at crappy product design and usability, and asking for a refund.  Then after 15 minutes of irate yelling, he walked past his baseball bat and handgun to reach for a marker.

For old times' sake:

(photo by bats…)

Blackberry Enlists Local Bike Messenger in Alt. Ad Campaign

Blackberry, a company known for making phones that no one under the age of 35 uses, has deployed an ad campaign designed to target urban professionals longing to be cool.  The ad starts off with a local legal messenger, who must be really, really broke, riding up and down San Francisco's scenic hilltops (PLOT HOLE: San Francisco's legal firms are not parked on the top of hills).  He then claims he refers to his Blackberry as his “future phone,” which I'm sure made his soul wilt up into a decaying ball of shame and self-loathing (only to be rejuvenated when he received his 'fat stacks').  However, the ad doesn't truly plummet into marketing hell until it introduces DJ Cassidy, who is dressed in a sweater with a gondola hat, doesn't use real turntables, and has his DJ name embroidered on a pillow.  The dude looks like a male Marta Stewart who is about to go to a picnic in 1917.


Our Miserable Weather Makes for Some Purty Time-Lapse Shots

Simon Christen shot the above, amazing time-lapse shots of San Francisco and the Bay Area. According to PetaPixel, he shot using all manual settings on his Canon 40D changing them to adjust for light. Dude has patience. I watched this with no sound so hopefully there's not some shitty new age music playing over it.  I'm guessing it uses Rappin 4 Tay.

Shuttered Ike's Place Now Home to Stencil Art

An anonymous reader sends us some snaps of the plywood covering the former Ike's sandwich shop.  Luckily, some red spraypaint informs us that this is art, so the NIMBY neighbors that evicted Ike can sleep soundly tonight knowing that the building is not a graffiti target, but rather a fresh canvass for fine art.
