
How to be a polite neighbor.

Letter from my neighbor:

Hey guys-

I know you just moved in recently- but please quit walking on your heels… This place reverberates every step. I would really appreciate it. It vibrates my whole ceiling. It's an old bldg.
your neighbor =)

My response: 

Hey Bros, 

Thanks for the letter! I've always wanted a pen pal. I just wanted to come right out and say it, I'm a person. I saw that you requested I stop walking on my heels, but because of evolution, I'm afraid that's the only way I know how to walk. For your convenience I'm including a list of animals that don't walk on their heels. I'll even draw a chart to scale for you. 

Of course, right off of the bat (that's a saying, I don't actually play baseball), I thought of the velociraptor (of Jurassic Park fame).  They're a lot like cats, except for the lack of fur, whiskers, cute little purring and their tendency to play with fake mice. Anyway, dogs, mice, scarecrows, real crows, and sharks also do not walk on their heels/cannot walk/do not have feet. 

I hope you find this information helpful, and sorry about the chart, but I drew it life-size and I'm afraid this piece of paper only covers the size of a dog's belly.

'Guys' <— I can't believe you already have a nickname for me. 

P.S. We're not really “bros” unless we are! Weird. Have you ever seen Star Wars?

Three's Company: Marina Fist Pump Edition

This artist's rendering is 99.9% accurate.  You would have to be a Michael Cera sized pussy to agree to be this pair's man-boy butler.

This Craigslist ad calls for a single, non-sexually active, financially well-off male to provide two fist pumping Marina girls with alcohol, carry them home while drunk, and cook for them.  It's also another interesting example of Marina kids choosing to involve grammar/spelling in their roommate choices.  

No deposit?  Carnivorous, alcoholic, busty nudist rommates?  An LMFAO reference?    

'Definitley' interested. 


Looking for young professional GUY roommate in 3 bedroom 2 bath apt. 
Room is master with bath included. $1,100 per month. 
Who we are: 
24 & 25 year old females 
Petite brunettes with a whole lotta boob. 
We share a bathroom, and sometimes shower 
Must be okay with female nudity 
Work in SF
We like shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots… and meat 
Who YOU are: 
27-30ish year old male 
Non-rapist, non-creeper, non-short, non pet owner, non ugly, non smoker, non druggie (this includes weed at home), non slut (girlfriend welcome, slut parade not welcome) 
Over 6’ tall 
Not the tallest of your friends 
Active and probably strong enough to carry us both home at the same time at 2am (think bis and tris like the Hulk, a smile like Cristiano Ronaldo) 
A college graduate 
EMPLOYED (9-5 regular job, no moonlighting) 
Able to spell the word “definitely” 
Like buying us alcohol and getting us drunk 
An overall real good time 
Roommate Questions: 
1) Word association: 
2) Fill in the blank 
___HOT*___ Carl [*editor's note]
3) Multiple choice: 
-Dancing to music 
4) True or False, you know how to cook without using the microwave: 
5) You will fill our DVR with: 
a. Sports 
b. Whale Wars 
c. Jersey Shore 
d. Porn 
6) Do you listen to nature noises at night? 
***SEND picture with response (we ARE using the checklist above) 
***All submissions will be considered*** 

Erie St. Banksy Mural "Censored"

When a group of artists proposed to “finish” the mural Banksy “started,” many were quick to call bullshit.  I personally thought this was a classic case of capitalizing off other people's work but, hey, it was a better proposition than just painting over Banksy's “vandalism.”  Well, Blouz is reporting that the building owner, clearly a connoisseur of the arts, complained about the contents of the surrounding mural and ordered it to be covered up.  That's right boys and girls, mushrooms are too offensive for the mural designed to profit off of/protect Banksy's spraypaint for years to come.  Hats off to everyone on this one; the cacophony of dots really elevated the aesthetic quality of this wall.


Just Your Average Saturday Night at Hi-Tide

Hi-Tide Lounge: drink until you puke out your eyes.

Reader Neb sent this along:

The Hi-Tide Lounge on Geary is definitely my kind of place and one even the TL locals call “very strange.” After once being greeted with “Who next? You order drink now” by the most efficient bartender in SF, I've been set ever since with $3 draft beers.  Above the bar is a portrait of a bare-breasted woman with a Mona Lisa-like look that follows you around the room. $1 pool and dangling electrical wires add to the overall ambiance.

Well, [Saturday night], after a couple rounds in with a groups of friends, a belligerently drunk guy claiming to be ex-military gets into a screaming match with the sole bartender after smashing a barstool against the jukebox. The guy seriously won't leave and finally after 5 minutes a guy group of guys rally to push this dude out the door. He stands outside continuing to scream and yell like anyone cares. I grab my vintage generation iPhone and crappily film the last few minutes. You can still spot the guy at the end of the clip.

The first 30 seconds, a screaming match between drunkBro and the most efficient bartender in SF, is the real highlight of the video, so you might want to cut yourself off early.  Also, I haven't been to the Hi-Tide in years.  Anyone up for a TL barcrawl?

SFPD Renews Campaign Against Fun in Dolores Park

If you remember the summer of 2009, the police began enforcing drinking laws in Dolores Park through rumor and spectacle.  Then a leaked memo dropped, brought headlines to SFgate, the Examiner, and forced Bevan Dufty to actually come out of his hole to sit down with bloggers, journalists and park activists.  The result of the controversy was an absence of continued police presence well into 2010.

Suddenly last weekend, news spread of SFPD kicking out the commerce.  Then this week signs went up around the park telling people not to smokes and drink.  Was this a sign of a 2009 relapse?

Yesterday afternoon, a pack of 5 police officers armed with guns and dirt bikes went through the entire park, forcing people to throw out their beers, leash their dogs and stop selling ice cream sandwiches.

An aspiring hot dog vendor was cited by this officer, likely costing her all the money earned that afternoon.

Ice cream vendors were also asked to leave.

I watched police escort this harmless, quiet man out of the park.  He wasn't visibly doing anything aside from drinking a tallboy.

Is this waste of resources going to become a daily routine for SFPD?  Sure hope not.

UPDATE: SFPD confirms to Mission Loc@l that they are, in fact, stepping up patrols in the park and they have no estimation as to when they'll back off.

Won't You Be My Bromate?

Eric, I know I can be a little liberal with my use of superlatives, but this apartment ad is quite possibly the best ad I've ever read:

Hello, and congratulations. You're lucky to be here. Why? Because you have the unique opportunity to live in one of the finest neighborhoods in San Francisco, and, quite possibly, the entire Western Hemisphere. With more culture than Compton, more swanky eateries than Watts, and infinitely less plaid than the Mission… this… is… the Marina.

About the place: Your room has four walls and a ceiling, unlike that shanty you live in now. Did I mention the closet? It's not a walk-in per se, but you can certainly take a few strides in there, rip off a few jumping jacks. It's big. Your room is the other half of the equation in this two-bedroom place, with wall-to-wall carpet, a view of the Golden Gate, electrical outlets strategically placed throughout, and friendly birds constantly chirping in the neighboring foliage. You have your very own bathroom, all to yourself, and are of course free to mill about in the living room, prepare delicious meals in a state-of-the-art kitchen (if this were 1952). Only six units in the building and, what do you know, the neighbors are friendly, so that means you should be too. 

That's because I'm a friendly, a 28-year-old sales rep that believes the phrase “work hard, play hard” is a tired cliché. Instead, I prefer to “Marina,” an active verb, as in, “I hit every bar on Chestnut tonight but I'm successful because I don't smoke pot every morning or wear skinny jeans so clean up after yourself and stop eating so much hummus. Why? Because I 'Marina.'”

More about the place: Two bedrooms, two bath. One each for the both of us. Big living room. If you tilt your head just so, bridge views. Laundry in the building. Dishwasher, cable, wireless, the usual. We have all the furniture but by all means, we are willing to upgrade. On Beach and Fillmore, so street parking is a breeze, you're a block from the Green if you enjoy exercise and flag football and ultimate Frisbee.

Ha, just testing you. No one plays Ultimate in the Marina. If you just fist-pumped a paragraph ago when you saw Ultimate Frisbee on the Green, you should probably stay in Dolores Park. It's probably closer to the 24-hour check-cashing joint you patronize when the unemployment comes in. If you're still with me, that means you're pretty funny and it may behoove me to respond to your impending email.

And I don't care what Craigslist discrimination rules are. If you have poor grammar, you're out! Take your dangling modifiers to the Mission — I'm sure you'll get a room there in heartbeat. Instead, reach back to your second-grade Reading class and put together a charming and witty email that tells me about yourself. Not too witty. I'm clearly the funny guy in this relationship. But if I snort out a little cereal milk on my keyboard, you're on the right track. And if you try and sue me because I discriminated against your comma splices, best of luck. With your JuCo education you can barely find the post office, let alone file a brief 

One last thing. Just because I am funny and adore the Marina doesn't make me a douche. I'm not. In fact, if you're some B&T kid with Affliction shirts and hair-shaping paste cream balm, or if you wear makeup like a Vegas showgirl and fill the hole in your soul with excessive penis, you should go somewhere else. Be smart, funny, successful, driven, clean, employed, and, just for shits and giggles, incredibly good looking.

Move-in date between July 1 - August 1. My awesome roommate is moving out for a new gig elsewhere so try to either be just like him or just like him but the female version. 

There's so much to cover, I don't even know where to start.  I mean, I never knew that one could 'rip off a few jumping jacks' in a semi walk-in closet until now.  Or that “Marina” is a verb.  Or that bros cared 'bout grammer.  Or that bros use the word “behoove.”  Now I'm left wondering if Dateway is more culturally important than N.W.A. 

'sort of want to be your roommate.  Escape the oppressive land of ultimate frisbee and unemployment and enjoy the charmed life of nightly Marinaing and crushing brews with my boys after a hard day filing legal briefs.  'looking down on people who want to continue their education but cannot afford Berkeley.  Being the less funny dude in the brolationship.  'snorting milk and coke residue onto the keyboard.  Cooking natty light marinated meat on the grill before a night of beer pong.  Riding in a 'mother-fucking boat'.  Serenading 'nasty bitchez' in the Bar None bathroom.

Bridge views.

Crappy kitchen.

Hella electrical outlets.

Won't you be my bromate?

See you later, Mission.

At Least They Didn't Rename Mt. Diablo for Him

Support brutal dictatorships in South America, Africa, and Southeast Asia? Create homelessness at the astonishing levels we see today? Triple the deficit? Ignore the AIDS epidemic?

Spotted somewhere around 3rd and Brannan.

Levi's Marketing Dollars: Not Just For Mission Hipsters Anymore

Sympathetic to those 10% of Americans are unemployed, Levi's is continuing with their temporary “We Are All Workers” PR stimulus package.  This 10x15 foot tower of “climbing blocks” is debuting on the corner of Market and Powell this week, with the available white surfaces to filled by a “hired illustrator.”  How long do you think it will take these to be embraced by the locals?

Tech Nerds: East of Mission St. Isn't the Mission

Some startup bros recently made a 'helpful' map for aspiring entrepreneurs telling them where they should plant their next VC-funded failure.  The idea behind the map isn't necessarily bad, but the descriptions of each location demonstrates a basic lack of familiarity of San Francisco and some really fucked up low-level racism.  For example, how could some “<3” the Mission but not include anything east of Mission or south of 24th on the map?  Because it's dangerous at night?  Gringo, please.  Just because there are more brown people and hookers east of Mission doesn't mean it is particularly dangerous.  In fact the Mission, if anything, is safer than all the other fun neighborhoods.  Also, “hipsters on Valencia sometimes obnoxious”?  Really?  Maybe they look obnoxious, but I rarely see “hipsters” just running around trying to directly piss people off.  To me, it just sounds like you were just the kid no one ever invited to the party.
