
Beth Spotswood on "Suburban Mission"

It looks like the Mission has a new microhood, dubbed “Suburban Mission” by culture blogger Beth Spotswood, who got the name from the fact that everything east of SVN is the suburbs of Mission/Valencia Streets.  Over at Curbed, Beth fills us in on the slice of the Mission that's home to big box retail:

Hidden gems in the your neighborhood: Dirty Thieves, the street food festival (is hardly hidden), my morning walk to Precita Park (which is probably, technically Bernal Heights), men playing soccer on the old basketball courts, the apricot oat scone at Atlas Cafe, my neighbor's garage where I vote, and St. Francis Fountain's “the poor man” which is chicken-vegetable soup served over a biscuit. It's $4.50, and cures hunger, sniffles and broken hearts.

Are your neighbors “Rotten Neighbor” worthy? If so, dish. If not… well, why not? I have two kinds of neighbors: Friendly families that have lived on our block for generations, remember my name and make sure I get in okay when I come home late at night. And people for whom the word gentrification (pronounced with disgust) was invented. One of my neighbors drives a Vespa, wears a fedora, worked for (impressive pause) Gavin Newsom, refers to himself as a “foodie”, goes to Burning Man and snidely asks me about my “gossip column” while leaving angry letters for our postal worker taped to the mailbox. Need I go on?

I'm always appreciative of a hot bread tip, but how does being a “foodie” (apricot oat scone expert HELLO), owning a Vespa and wanting upward political mobility make you a terrible person?  Don't get me wrong, fuck people who hate on our mailmen and make snide remarks about blogging, but since when did loathing tech workers living in the Mission become passé?  Did we find ourselves a new pariah and no one filled me in?  And most importantly, does this mean I can start hanging out at The Summit and still have friends?

(linkphoto by Bryan Haggerty)

City of San Francisco Upset Over Harmless Sidewalk Garden

Apparently a “hater” that is down on flowers and spraypaint koi fish complained about the sidewalk garden at Sanchez and 16th and now the city is demanding the house remove the flowers:

The garden, which is also home to everyone's favorite wish list to Santa, isn't blocking sidewalk access to wheelchairs, so I'm not quite sure what the city's real motivation here is (other than appeasing a random hater).  Worst of all, a neighbor claims that the potted plants six doors up (seen in the first picture) received no such warning.

If you're interested in fighting floral injustice, there is a petition hanging on the garage door at 262 Sanchez or you can email/call Alex Hong, the building inspector who issued the warning, at 415-554-5856 /

Douchebag Mecca Medjool, New Mission Theater Up For Sale; Realtor Claims "the Mission is Going to Explode"

If you have a few million bucks lying around that you don't want to spend on the Dolores Park Church and would rather spend on a lame bar, Mission real estate owner/enemy of Buddhists Gus Murad is apparently selling off all his property on Mission St.  According to Mission Loc@l, Value Giant is pending a sale that's the equivalent of 4.5 million bottles of $1 dish detergent, Medjool and Elements Hostel is listed at $7.1 million, and the New Mission Theater is apparently being sold to “a very hot group from New York” for a measly $2 million.

That hot group is rumored to be the owners of Brooklyn Bowl, which means the Mission could be getting a bowling alley hella soon.  The realtor of the space tells Mission Local, “Let me tell you, you think the Mission’s hot right now, but if this deal goes through the Mission is going to explode.”  That's basically positive proof that we're getting a bowling alley, because the only things that could make the Mission explode are a nuclear holocaust, bulldozing Valencia, or a bowling alley.  My money's on the bowling alley.

As for Medjool?  Hopefully the new owner burns it to the ground and starts anew.

UPDATE: Turns out Mission Loc@l totally botched the story.  Neither Value Giant nor New Mission are up for sale.  Curbed has the correct info.

(linkphoto by Joshua Dickens)

7x7's Team of Foodie Mavericks Declare Chipotle the 5th Best Carne Asada Burrito in SF

I recognize that half of what 7x7 publishes is ripe for ridicule, but this disaster takes the cake.  From 7x7's “Top 7 Super Carne Asada Burritos in San Francisco”:

5. Chipotle - 1 ¼ lbs ($8.71)

The heat was on, said [Sunset Magazine's Margo True], for this chain’s take on a burrito. Their version was “packed with lots of rice, guac, and fire. Zesty!” But it had too much starch for most. “Where are the beans?” said [Burrito Eater's Charles Hodgkins]. “Oh, here hidden behind the damn rice.” Farr called the meat “tender” but wished there was more char. Hodgkins said the guac was “top shelf” but that the cheese seemed absent. [SPQR chef Matthew Accarrino] deemed the burrito “right in the middle of the pack.”

Let that soak in.


Doc's Clock Turns Their Back on Olympia

I stopped into Doc's Clock yesterday for a quick pint and round of pinball and this note was passed to me from down the bar.  Yep, some guy tried to order an “Oly,” as the bar formerly referred to the beer, scribbled this note in protest of their decision to stop carrying the beer, and bounced.  Now, Olympia might be the highest-rated cheap beer by Mission cool kids, but I really think you're splitting hairs when it comes to comparing Hams [sic] to just about any other beer that costs two smacks at a bar.  That said, I can only think of two other Mission bars that still carry Olympia (Gestalt and Homestead) soo…… market opportunity!

Stolen Brooks Saddles: The Latest Boom Industry?

Reader Neb hips us to this Craigslist post on the subject

I was at the Laney College flea market yesterday, and there were many, many Brooks saddles to be had, black & brown, sprung & unsprung, most in great shape, and most with the post still attached. Of course, the bikes were no longer attached, and the sellers did not appear to be avid cyclists. I asked a couple sellers and the price seems to be around $50-60.

This seems to an industry in bloom - Invest in a saddle lock, but if and when your saddle is stolen, you'll know where to find it!  

Coincidentally, my buddy Ben, he of getting-his-bike-stripped-outside-of-Doc's-Clock-then-losing-it-off-his-bike-rack fame, had two, that's right, TWO Brooks saddles stolen last month.  He built the bike up on Christmas Eve, taking all the usual precautions (chaining the saddle to the frame and wrapping the chain in a tube).  Yet, he still had his new saddle stolen 36 hours later while his bike was parked on Market outside the Westfield.  His conclusion was to buy a third, crappier saddle and take it with him every time he parked his bike.  My conclusion was that fate intended for him to be a rollerblader.

The picture above was part of the chain-breaker that the thief left at the scene of the crime, suggesting our city's crackheads have caught up to our anti-theft tricks.  I guess all that's left to do is either outfit your bike with shitty, worthless parts or, if you really want to irritate yourself, stuffing all your bolts with tinfoil and hot wax.

There Goes The Neighborhood['s Aesthetics]

This monstrosity was spotted on, some SF real estate site that I've never heard of, but have become strangely captivated by over the last 14 minutes.  This hideous pic begs several questions.

  1. Is it 'shopped? Horrendous reality or horrible hoax?
  2. Where the fuck is it??  Commenters on SocketSite have yet to conclusively determine it's location.  
  3. Why?  DEAR GOD, WHY???

Grab your pitchforks SF neighborhood organizations.  This blockheaded piece of architecture is starting to put the term 'NIMBY' in a whole different light for me…

Trenton Attends Holiday Gathering, Ruins Christmas

Local mission residents gathered to celebrate the glory of Christ late December 25th. Trenton Davies, 31, attended the event after a facebook event notified him that Marcie Graves, 22, was attending.

Trenton Davies, far left, celebrates the birth of the Baby Jesus

I was surprised, it's entirely different social circles. I only met Trenton once at a bar in the Marina”, says Graves. “I have to admit, when I added him as a friend, I was pretty drunk.

Trenton arrived to the dinner fourty five minutes late, shortly after everyone sat down to eat. He had brought a bottle of Delicato Merlot, which he opened in the hallway. He asked everyone what was “sup” and sat himself at a place reserved for Thomas Hanes, who had excused himself to use the restroom. When he returned he found Trenton at his seat, filling his wine into Hanes' glass.

I didn't know what to think. I assume he just made a mistake. It wasn't till later that I found out he was a jackass,” said Hanes.

Dinner conversation was sparse. Trenton was sitting uncomfortably close to Graves when he asked, “so seriously, we should hang out, you know?

After being rejected by Graves, Trenton turned to the group of single, male members of the party for support located in the kitchen.

Trenton, far left, joins as Hanes, far right, welcomes him to the group.

Tensions eased when a mutual interest was shared: shots of Jameson whiskey. One man in a Mission themed t-shirt was heard to say, “..and that is the true meaning of Christmas or whatever.”

If a car crashed into a Virgin Megastore and no one liveblogged it, did it really happen?

Last week, you might have heard news that someone drove their car right up into the (vacant) Virgin Megastore on Market.  SFist originally speculated that it was too much egg nog at a holiday party, but then the SF Weekly saved the day and tracked down a witness.  The story wasn't nearly as exciting as drunk driving, rather a semi took a turn too wide, hit the car and sent it flying into the store.  However, what was interesting was the witness's recollection of what happened immediately after the crash:

[Eyewitness Benjamin Johnson] notes that he was “surprised how few people ran in there to see if [the driver] was hurt. There was a group of about 20 people and most of them took out their phones to take pictures.”

Snaps all around.
