
Chief Gascon Reminds Us There's "No Fun" in The Castro

A mumbling, confused, skinny-shrinked SFPD Chief Gascon attempts to remind us that y'all should stay “in your own neighborhood” this Halloween.  I'm not really sure what Old Man is trying to say over the soundtrack, but I think it has something to do with the Castro being spooky and you should stay home and watch reruns of your favorite CBS situational comedy. 

If you recall, the Castro was formerly home to an 'epic' 60-year-old Halloween street party until KKKatie some lunatic shot 9 people in 2006.  After that, Supe Bevan Dufty and Gavin Newsom got all ornery and deployed 600 cops armed with fire hoses and overtime pay to keep the crowds away, leaving would be partiers to fend for themselves on Valencia and Dolores Park

I'm sure local bars are thrilled with this.

"We're not in Arlington anymore, Toto..."

And so continues the “THEY'RE SMOKIN WEED!” saga…  

These Texan media outlets have seriously been acting like they just made 'first contact' with another planet. 'ZOMG! This anarchistic and godless alien civilization is so strange and carefree!'  Seriously?  Get over yourself you faux-Joe Normal neo-cons. 

Though I must say I'm looking forward to the other side of the equation when Bay Area newscasters start muckraking about lynch mobs outside the Ragners' stadium and questioning the sexuality of the Governor of Texas.  Quick, somebody buy Zennie a plane ticket to Planet Tejas! 


KKKatie Found Not RRRacist

For those of you following the saga of lunatic tagger/mural-wrecker KKKatie, she was found guilty of vandalism but walked on hate crime and terrorism charges.  From the SF Appeal:

[Katherine] Dunbar was convicted of one vandalism-related felony and 10 misdemeanors, and she was acquitted of two other misdemeanors. The jury hung on a felony terrorism charge, according to the offices of the district attorney and public defender.

Apparently the witness, who claimed she made racist comments to him and threatened him with false claims of rape during Bay to Breakers, didn't show up to the trail, so those charges were dismissed.  The jury was hung on the terrorism charges (spray paint is terrorism now?) and found her not guilty of hate crimes.  So it looks like she will face either probation or up to three years in prison.  What fun!

(photo by Jocelyn Superstar)

"San Francisco doesn't deserve to win the World Series"

It didn't take long for the media to turn the World Series into a referendum on red states vs. blue states / rich libural Jews and Berkeley educated communists vs. Joe the Plumber.  Just read how Steve Blow (sounds like a porn name) kicked off his column in yesterday's Dallas Morning News:

Frankly, I'm surprised they still play baseball in San Francisco.

I figured that by now someone here would have decided that baseball chalk isn't Earth-kind or that the game is overtly sexist or gender-role confining or some such claptrap.

San Francisco doesn't deserve to win the World Series . Maybe every resident deserves a Nobel Prize for being so dang enlightened. But, please, save baseball's highest achievement for a bunch of Regular Joes who earned it.

Ohhhhhh snap.  I think it's adorable that fans of a team of “Regular Joes” that has never been to the World Series want to win, but is The City's collective intelligence the only reason we don't deserve to win?  GO ON:

Here's a classic example of our differences. The mayor of San Francisco is a guy named Gavin Newsom. Yes, Gavin Newsom. And if the name isn't debonair enough, you should see him. He looks like a movie star or male model. He reeks of San Francisco effete.

Meanwhile, Arlington has a mayor named Robert Cluck. Cluck! And as for his looks, I think we can all agree that he has a great personality.

Mr. Blow, let me let you in on a little secret: even San Franciscans don't like Newsom and laugh at his looks.  Hell, Newsom's hair even has its own Twitter account.  Yeah, he pushed through gay marriage, and we respect him for doing that, but he's terrible at running the economy and bends over to business interests just like your Ranger In Chief.  You're going to have to do better than that.

[Arlington Mayor Robert Cluck] is a Regular Joe. Just like Regular Joe Barton , who represents Arlington in Congress.

Wait, Joe Barton, the Congressman who apologized to BP this summer?  Are you even trying?

But there are other differences in the cities, too. Like climate.

In San Francisco, Giants fans sip hot chocolate and wear coats and jackets to games all summer long. They're not purified into a higher state of baseball consciousness by enduring games at the Ballpark/Sweat Lodge in Arlington.

Then there are the team colors. The Giants are all decked out in Halloween black and orange – the only holiday devoted to evil spirits. What are the Rangers' colors? Let's say 'em together. Red, white and blue.

It's obvious who should win this thing.



Four Loko

Sparks, Four Loko, and Dennis Herrera's Unwinnable War Against Disgusting Malt Liquor

Remember the days of drinking Sparks in the mid-2000s? For less than two bucks, you could score a 16oz can of cracked-out coffee that was 7% alcohol.  Sure, it wasn’t enough to get you drunk on its own, but it was a great way to keep a party going or stealthily start drinking during class or at work.  Yeah, everyone had a few insane benders drinking the stuff and it sure was irresponsible to start drinking booze in front of customers at 6pm, but the boss didn’t care and the customers didn’t know it was malt liquor.  Like with any other type alcohol, we had a few hazy evenings and maybe puked on our neighbor’s stoop, but generally everything was fine.

But then something happened in 2007: a bunch of teetotalers in our own city of San Francisco started pressuring City Attorney Dennis Herrera to sue Sparks’ manufacturer MillerCoors for being “unsafe” and “marketing itself to children.”  A year later, MillerCoors announced caffeine would removed from Sparks and their sales predictably plummeted (let’s face it, no one drank the shit for the taste).  During a naive victory speech, Herrera lauded that the move would eliminate “85 percent of caffeine-spiked booze from the market.”

While Herrera and his allies recognized that what was drawing cool kids and partiers to Sparks was the caffeine, they failed to realize the opportunity that opened following MillerCoors’ decision.  After all, people love uppers while partying, be it booze and sugar, Red Bull and vodka, cocaine, snorting adderall or taking other pills.  With the pre-mixed caffeinated booze market wide open, Four came along and put a 24oz can that was 12% ABV on the market.

Perhaps inadvertently, the byproduct of banning one beverage forced the market to be dominated by something much worse (I’m talking taste as much as potency).  Putting back one can of Four Loko is the alcohol equivalent to drinking 5 cans of PBR (a 16oz Sparks, by comparison, only contained 1.98 cans of PBR).  Was this the direction that Dennis Herrera really wanted the alcohol industry to head in?  Probably not.

Now with ‘FOUR LOKO NAZI PEDOPHILE RAPE JUICE’ available “practically everywhere,” the media, predictably, got hysterical.  Even the quasi-hipster blog Mission Mission got into the mix, slamming the drink for being “marketed to kids.”  Some of the same groups that pushed to ban Sparks are pushing to ban Four Loko.  And to make the media sensationalism worse, some amateurs recently managed to get totally shitfaced and now the pattern repeats itself with the Washington Attorney General calling for a ban.

What’s the endgame?  Ban Four Loko?  They claim that the beverages are marketed to children because of their fruity flavors, but do not oppose “hard lemonade” or wine coolers.  Why not just force companies to make the packaging abundantly clear that it contains alcohol?  After all, It seems that taking down one brand only seems to leave “more dangerous” drinks in its place (in fact, the whole thing reads like the plot to Batman: he (Herrera) set out to take down petty crime (Sparks) and ended up creating The Joker (Four Loko)).  Plus, criminalizing an entire class of beverage sure does sound tricky. Hell, if we learned anything from prohibition or criminalizing weed, we can make it illegal for someone to put something in their body, but that won’t stop them from doing it.  There’s a reason people started making Sparks at home after it was banned.

You just can’t fix stupid…

Dennis Herrea for Mayor!

Chicken John's Threats of Violence Stops Blue Bottle From Moving Into Dolores

I know half the blogs in San Francisco have already covered this, but I feel it would be inappropriate to not say something about Chicken John's role in all of this.  The Bay Citizen recently broke the news that Blue Bottle is out, with Blue Bottle owner Jason Freeman saying, “I don't need this controversy.”  While this should be something to celebrate—afterall, we get to keep out parks limited green space out of the hands of private entities—it's actually quite depressing:

And now, after blog comments about spitting and vague word of tire-slashing, Blue Bottle owner James Freeman said that he has decided not to drive his trailer into the park at all.

What James is referring to is comments left by none other than Chicken John, spokesfowl for the ZOMG SPOT “CORPORATE” AMERICA IN SF crowd.  As Chicken commented in a recent 7x7 post (edited for brevity):

Do we need to be protected? Do we need legislation that would prevent RPD from steamrolling a community park into selling off spots to stores?

I'm sure that this would make excellent dialog. You can guess how I would think. But as for BB, it seems as if they wish to be the company that 'breaks' Dolores Park. Which is going to be messy. And uncomfortable. Very uncomfortable. People are spitting mad. If it is true that they didn't see this comming, which I find impossible, then if I were them I'd run. There are going to be a thousand people there spitting on them on their opening day. Fucking riot cops. [emphasis added]

While Chicken didn't come right out and say he would be spitting on Blue Bottle's workers, he sure did imply that he and his army of Laughing Squid pendejos would be out there assaulting them.  I'm not saying Chicken was on the wrong side of the debate, hell, I was on his side, but threatening people and property is not how normal adults get their way.  That's how racists kept “niggers” out of their schools and neighborhood for generations.  That's how fellow demagogues scared people away for polls for years (and still do in many nations).  More recently, this is the type of behavior exhibited by Tea Party racists.  Chicken: just because you're fighting “the good fight” doesn't mean you get a free pass.

This wasn't the way to win.

NEWSFLASH: Uptown readers are selfish fucking pricks; hate SF/children/teh poors

TRANSLATION: Hate my parents soooo much, can't access trust fund until 25; need $$$ for blow.

With the exception of readers Kathleen and 'tpaz', you are all a bunch of fucking assholes.  I sincerely hope you're straining the shit out of your eyes to read this while developing carpal tunnel syndrome, and possibly festering some kind of horrible venereal disease.  

I dunno, maybe you were all just embarrassed to email us and let us know that you had donated to the SF Food Bank last week when they had their gift matching deal; in which their corporate benefactors doubled whatever you donated ($2 to $25k) and put it towards feeding underprivileged kids in local SF schools.  But probably not, cause we all know that you really just hate kids and the impoverished, and god knows you hate San Francisco.  Pricks.  

Luckily, there are people in this City that don't read this blog and aren't complete assholes.  The SF Food Bank met their goal with last week's program, no thanks to you dickface. If you feel even the slightest bit of remorse, then go to and redeem yourself.  The opportunity to have your contribution doubled is over but your donation is still needed more than ever, and will become increasingly more needed as we get closer and closer to the winter holidays when the SF Food Bank gets cleaned out.

I hope you get mugged. Then maybe you'll have an 'authentic insight' into the 'human condition' that you love to run your mouth about so often.


Shit. I haven't posted anything on this blog in a very long time. Who knows why, exactly, but I'm back now, and I've got something to share.



I've recently returned from a trip to Seattle, WA, where I saw shit-ton of obscure electronic artists perform. (That's not what this is about, but you can read about those experiences here, if you want.) While I was up there, a friend of mine showed me this video his friend made, and it's pretty funny.

I don't know much about “memes,” nor do I care to, but this seems destined for some kind of fleeting internet attention, to me. Sure, the quintessential 'bro' is an easy target, but there are enough excellent one-liners in “I Luv U Bro” to excuse the fish-in-a-barrel aspect. But fuck it, anyway! This shit's hilarious, and mega-kudos for the excellent Google Image Search pics.

Haha… I said “but fuck it.”

Rec. & Park Wants to Turn Dolores Park Decision Making Process Over to Local McNimbydouche

I left last night's cry about vendors being permitted to operate in Dolores Park early because it was nothing but a session for activist organizations and City Hall to kiss each other's ass, but it looks like I missed the good stuff.  From Mission Loc@l:

Oct 7th will bring a hearing for a new procedure, he [Ed. Note: I don't know who “he” is, but I believe it do be Nicholas Kinsey, assistant director of concessions management] said. It will include ”a community meeting for every issue having to do with this park. Every major event. Every concession contemplated. We will have a selection panel for the park and and invite a community member to sit in. An unbiased community member. We will have a selection panel to come back and present the results to the community.”

They are seriously considering holding a meeting for every event permit?  Luckily no one who lives near Potrero del Sol gives a shit about 'their' park.
