Art - The Canvas

Fixed-Gear Jesus

This Mike Giant piece comes to us courtesy of Stevil over at All Hail the Black Market.  On a side note, if any of you have been eyeing a fixed-gear Mission Bike lately but have been turned off by the price tag and the fact that MB is not 100% vegan and 100% Christian, check out Christ Cycles.  Cheap!  Pious!  Taiwanese!

NART's What Lies Beneath

Considering After Life is some vintage store, I don't think I'd go out of my way to check out this opening.  That said, NART's stuff is generally pretty rad so if you are already nearby, you might as well stick your head in there.

¡Muerto Rider!

Meli over at Bikes and The City recently took a snap of this badass San Francisco lowrider, which I guess spends more time in garages and galleries than on 24th (for the record, that last point isn't a criticism considering the last car I owned was a '94 (I think?) Jetta hatchback that looked like it was purchased used in Mogadishu and sat idle in my garage for 7 months because I was too apathetic to go to Autozone and buy a new battery).  In case you're like me and have never seen this car in person, check out the details of the roof and trunk.

(photo by meligrosa)

Dolores Park Church Morphs Into an Art Gallery

Apparently the basement of the “Castle on the Park” has been converted into the “yes gallery,” which strikes me as slightly more appropriate use of the space than the obvious choice of a bodega or paid bathroom.  In all honesty, I was more interested in checking out the inside of the building than the art, but last I heard, they were trying to rent out the basement to start-ups for the lofty sum of $10k a month, so I guess this means it's some damn nice art (or at least expensive enough to pay the bills).

When I started eyeing the staircase to sneak upstairs to check out the rest of the building / find a place to pee that wasn't a portapottie, some official-looking dude sitting at a table complete with a matching MacBook shot me a death stare that screamed “if you do it, I'm going to beat you over the head with a three thousand dollar paper cylinder.”  So yeah. if you want to know what it would be like to ludicrous amount of cash and live in a church, might I suggest devising a way to distract the staff first.

Brown Baggin'

Dunno if this was planned or not, but between a giant octopus piñata (below) and some stack o' brown bags repurposed as a mushroom farm, it seems like Saturday was art day in #MiDoPa. I cannot say if this brown bag art project was done using trash scattered around the park or using new bags because, honestly, I was a little scared of talking to a pair of people rocking bucket hats while making such edgy and provocative art.

(Second photo by Erikakali)


I'm really digging this Tea Party as a joke/prop gun Townsend Street art.  Of course, I'm not exactly what the “do not” really is referring to.  Do not consider the Tea Party a joke?  Don't release the tea baggers?  Yerba maté is better than Early Grey?

(photo by bhautik joshi)

San Francisco: Home of The Ohlone

This hot new Valencia St. stencil of a Native American passing out hot towels reminded me of one of the latest angsty I Live Here:SF pieces:

Land of the Ohlone
Now dolores
Built on blood, bones, and bodies
On the children really native of the land
Parks weigh on top of them
I just can’t understand
Grave sites disrespected
Yuppies hipsters drinking beer above
Hidalgo is representing but they don’t give a fuck
They built on top
But the river still flows
They build non stop
But our spirit still grows

The poem goes on to slam “san francisco european spaniard english foreign immigrants” for their “invasion colonization massacre slavery holocaust of people indigenous” and “zagat rated cuisine” and encourages the modern day oppressors to “pay homage” to “the fallen warriors.”  Scores of gringo commenters think he 'nailed it.'  Did he? 

