Art - The Canvas

Sutro Tower Tattoos

Jeff McC was at Zeitgeist for the Tamale Lady's birthday when he peeped some Sutro Tower ink.  I'm pretty sure this is the most definitive proof that a person, at one time or another, lived in The City.  Yeah, I guess you could get a tattoo of the Golden Gate Bridge to prove you lived in the East Bay (??), but that's some tourist shit.  Your tattoo is only cool if people east of Antioch have to ask you what it means.

Seems like Sutro tats are not all that rare.  Elly has a pretty epic one of her back:

(photo by ekai)

And Chrisr got this design off Etsy:

.gif Continues to be the Hipster File Format of 2010

Alright this shit is so legit I can hardly contain myself.  When Geocities shut down down last year, I thought we put a nail in the animated gif coffin, because, fuck, do we really need a spinning @ telling people to email us? But with local legend Rio Yanez embracing the format (above), with strong backings from Colin Macfadyen (below), it appears the gif is making its urban revival.

I mean, guys, these gifs are so insane it is even breaking the Uptown Almanac ROCK SOLID CODEBASE:

I don't even know what this fucking error message means yo

The most important thing to note about the GIF PARTY breaking out on the internet everywhere is that youtube baiting has moved to gif.  For example, if Perez Hilton tweeted out something like, “If you are easily offended, do NOT click here. Oh, Miley! Warning: truly not for the easily offended!” and linked to this, teenage girls everyone would off themselves with embarrassment.

Hella Cool Tattoo

This girl Aaliyah that I met at Mission Bar has, by far, the best goddamn tattoo I've ever laid eyes on.  Concept and design all herself.  She was even willing to risk getting tossed out of the bar by throwing her leg up on the pool table so I could get a shot of it in some real lighting.  Hella fucking rad.


So there’s an art opening at Cafe Royale this Thursday called “Hipster Apocalypse,” and reading about it I’m just like….ughhhhhhh. I mean, read the description:

Ironically, although hipsters have existed in one form or another for decades, the hipster movement has become more main stream, influencing the American status quo by supporting alternative art, music, and fashion. Like an epidemic of entitlement, the hipster condition has spread across America and over the seas to Japan and other countries susceptible to American culture. We see hipsters every day riding their fixed-gear bicycles on their way to studying film at local art schools. They drink the most expensive coffee and the cheapest beer. Imagine a world where alternative culture is pop culture; a world where Vampire Weekend plays the half time show at the Super Bowl instead of Bruce Springsteen; a world where stores selling used records and clothing are as large and as common as Walmart. The purpose of this show is to create awareness of the hipster way and the rise in demand for outrageous moustaches, vacuum sealed jeans, high-school sports tee shirts, and the over-consumption of Pabst Blue Ribbon.

Now, (TAKING ALL OF MY STRENGTH TO OVERLOOK THEIR USE OF THE WORD IRONIC) I don’t generally drink Pabst because I have taste buds, but I do a lot of hipstery things like not eating meat and loving boys with ironic facial hair. And I’m just tired of the term “hipster”.  It feels like 20-somethings are divided into “hipsters” and “bros and beezies,” and they’re supposed to hate each other and be condescending towards each other and blah blah blah.  And at this point I'm like WHO CARES. We all grew up with a sense of entitlement because most of us were born to upper middle class white people who coddled us and told us we were “special” while rearing us in suburbia and sending us to SAT prep classes because we were “destined to succeed.” Some of us embraced this upbringing, moved to the Marina, and continued to live off of the emotional and financial support of our parents. Others were like, “wait, but I’m different and I want people to know I’m different and SO not like my parents,” so they moved to the Mission and liked the same things everyone else liked, like second-hand flannel and oversized glasses, while continuing to live off of the emotional and financial support of our parents. So I guess my whole point is…don’t point the finger at hipsters for this culture of entitlement sweeping over the helpless nation “like an epidemic.” It’s my whole goddamned generation, and you created us.

That said, I'm sure it's all very lovely art (UNICORNS! RAAAAAINBOWS!!), and the reception goes from 8pm-midnight. make up your own minds, you goddamned conformists.


I’m in Boston mourning the tragic loss of Razzy’s and enjoying 80-degree days and 68 degree nights (68 AT NIGHT people.  NIGHT), but if I were in SF, I would certainly go get drunk at this opening.  I mean, fuck slow food.  That shit is poison.  But I’m sure there will be veggie options.  Plus, do you ever go to the Dogpatch?  I didn’t think so.  Might I recommend a bonfire on Toxic Beach afterwards?

Amnesia, Only Prettier

I don’t know why artists refuse to let you look at their works in full size but that’s not the point.  The point is that Aindrila’s watercolors are the cat’s meow.  Yikes, now I sound like my father!  Quick, get me a PBR, a riding lawn-mower and two packs of cigarettes!

