Art - The Canvas

Attention Tortured Artists: Moleskine Journals Will Give You Cancer and "Alternatively Gifted" Children!

I was shopping for a product that would make this girl I creep on “wicked impressed” with how deep and artistic I am, so naturally I turned to Moleskine journals.  Well, apparently if I eat my journal (no evidence!) or rub it against my junk I’ll get cancer and have two-headed sperm.  WHAT?  Also, since when do Moleskine nerds buy Sarah Palin books?  Did Barnes & Noble just associate “birth defects” to Sarah Palin?  Oh B&N…


Fabric8 is a Pretty Rad Space

I never bothered to check out Fabric8 because it always struck me as a place people went to eat “revolutionary street food” and not dig art.  Despite the fact this place relies on some dude selling kebabs or some shit to do all its promotion, it’s a pretty rad space.  Epic designs from astroturfed floor to ceiling, cheap Sirron Norris prints, and, best of all, a bathtub-fishtank (pictured).  I easily spent more time in awe over the fish than I did looking at any given piece of work, which isn’t a diss towards the artists but more a compliment to the fish.  Also, you can take a poop in there.  Neat!

(photo by Jeff D., who laughed at my original iPhone pic and sent me this)

I Wish 2pac and Biggie Would Pour Colt 45 on My Nipples

David MacDowell is a KILLER PAINTER and if you were in LA today, you could go to thinkspace gallery to see more of his epicness.  Tragically this piece was already sold, likely for much, much more than $2 out the door.

As a kid, I always loved “To Kill A Mockingbird”, and wished Atticus Finch was my dad. To be guided by such ethical wisdom would have made me a better person, I imagine. But nobody’s perfect, and our imperfections dictate the core of this new series, working on both superficial and deeper levels. On the surface is a colorful, humorous romp where we poke fun at celebrity culture and media. Yet the undercurrent is all about how society is bent on correcting wrongs by repressing everyone. It’s always fun to explore how we’re repressed by our parents, “The Man” and the method’s used to repress ourselves.”

(via You Might Find Yourself, via someone else, via someone else)

Z-Man & Bicasso at Lower Haters


Artist and rapper Z-Man teamed up with Bicasso for a show that opened last night at Lower Haters called, um, “N*gga Sh*t!” The art did not mess around, taking aim at racial stereotypes Petey Greene-style. Fried chicken and watermelon were served. Guess San Francisco isn’t complete politically correct Burner/hippie shit after all. My favorite part of last night was going up to other white people and asking them what the name of the show was. No one would answer me. Not sure when these works come down, but you should definitely get in there before they do.

Bottom photo of Z-Man art by MC Oroville

Ezra Mellips: Inventor of the "put your hands down your pants and unzip your zipper and poke your finger thru your fly and wiggle it so it resembles your penis" illusion

Thanks to Hoodscope, I am now convinced to brave the hordes of people cooler than me and go ont he next Haight St. Art Walk.  I wish I could find a larger version of this but this postage stamp is all you get.  Hoodscope just emailed us a larger-version.  RAD

(More Pix Bros)

Tasty Street Cred

If you’re not both reading and taking in the sights over at Black Harbor, you’re missing out:

(random tangent) Poser is a funny word. People are trying to use hipster synonymously with poser these days, but I think those people need to shut the fuck up and stuff their face full of poser’s street cred. Brings me back to the days in high school when the store Zumies came into town and everywhere you looked kids were wearing skateboarding clothes. They didn’t skate. They didn’t deserve to wear the uniform. I hated them, we all did. We called them posers. Why is this relevant? Its not, unless you count that someone’s art stirs up vivid memories of my past which means it struck a cord. Good show!

