Art - The Canvas

Old Shit Is Cool

Over on the dreaded Book of Faces, Shanti Deva has been kind enough to upload her amazing collection of old promotional postcards once distributed by Bill Graham’s fabled Fillmore West.

Shanti writes, “My Dad’s Mom was an awesome Grandma. She liked the artwork so much she got on the mailing list for the Fillmore. She decorated the kitchen with all these crazy postcards. Now I have them. I also have all her Beatles 45’s. She gave me my first pair of GoGo Boots, taught me to crochet, and was the first person I knew to get MTV.”

Shanti, your grandma sounds like she was one hip lady. All mine ever did was criticize my hair and tell me to stand up straight (sorry Mom, but it’s true).

The entire collection can be found here.


Generic points out this “Handy Map of San Francisco Bay” made way back in a 1938 Cartoon Guide to California posted on Strange Maps back in 2008.  I want this book so I can spill beer and pizza sauce all over while reading it while in the bathroom.  Also, my map would have hella fog, unicorns running around the peninsula while drinking Red Bull and throwing money out of convertibles and mad sea creatures in the ocean.

Local Mission Eatery: Good Art, Good Food!

(View larger image.  I cannot allow you to see the original size because Flickr is too goddamn confusing and I don’t know how to enable it)

A few weeks ago, I got all aggro on Local Mission Eatery, primarily because I thought the name was stupid.  Well, reader Catherine W. sends us a note telling us that they have a pretty rad art wall (pictured above) and a good menu.  Ah shucks:

Saw your post on the new restaurant. You’re definitely right about the seriously bad name and of the over privileged liberal aesthetic of the whole place. However, I just wanted to point out that one cool aspect of the place is going to my friend Jon Fischer’s art. The guy that owns the joint contracted with him to do a permanent installation piece. It’s a series of photos turned screenprints onto wood panels of every intersection from Valencia Street to Vermont Street. You check it out here via his blog.

I haven’t paid for any food there yet, but I did go to their opening party and it was definitely pretty damn delicious. I had whatever veggie sandwich they were making that night (mushroom and some sort of fancy arugula pesto or something of the sort?). It was definitely worth it. Also, the little separate-ish bakery is pretty rad — for the party she had made these little smore-type desserts that had homemade marshmallows with a huge vat of melted chocolate on the side.

I’ll definitely go back. Although since I work from home, they had me at free WiFi.

The art is definitely rad!  Besides, it’s the Mission.  I could literally eat organic grains for a week, take a fat shit on some Tartine and sell it ‘on the street’ for $20 as a “locally-sourced shit sandwich.”  I’m sure this place is already cleaning up.

Thanks Catherine!

San Francisco Continues to be Gayest City on Earth

I guess boy bands realize that they can’t film everything in a Los Angeles sound studio and since LA is ugly as shit, they had to travel up here for some hot video. In related news, both of these songs are THE JAM.

JT is all, “Osha Thai is so tasty you see, bring more of that pad thai to meeeeee….” I don’t know, I’m cracking up over here, that shot is amazing. Also, he looks just like Joey from Blossom right there. WHOA!

Full video amazingness below:

Et tu, 98 Degrees!??

Nice 98º tattoo on your arm, bro. Bet that aged well.


I can never look at the bay in the same way again. This just totally ruined sex for me. Yes, that’s how I do sex. Let your mind run wild, enjoy the show!

Hat tip to the incomparable Eddo!

Be the Coolest Kid in the Park

For seventy hundred and fifty PBRs at Pops (read: $1500), you could have the slickest cross bike in Dolores Park, getting “pretentious hipster hos” to drop dem draws.  This offer only applies to sized tall cool kids, as the bike is a large.

It’s a Spooky Bikes Supertouch ”made right here in beautiful Western MA, a far, far better place for ‘cross than that smelly hipster haven” and you can holler thataway.

