
Snow Bunny Rocking a 'Rad' California Hoodie Gets Mugged Outside Medjool


Out of respect for Jesus and my trashed liver, I decided to not drink today and instead opted to see what was happening back in the Mission while watching the Sox and Steven Tyler embarrass himself in the 7th.  Well, snap, some foreign tourist (read: terrorist) was “iMugged” today.  Snaps all around!  Also, “iMugged” is Mission Local’s word, not mine.  The only words I like to make up are prefixed with “fuck” or “fart” or “zomg.”

No Insurance? No Problem!

This is probably the mother of all groupons: $49 bucks for X-Rays, Consultation, and Teeth Cleaning! If you have insurance, fuck you stop reading and never come back. If you don’t, this is a damn good deal. Get your teef cleaned, I’m tired of the denizens of this fine city looking like extras in Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?. Seriously, what is this place and lack of pride in personal hygiene and appearance? Ladies, get thee to a salon and men, please acquaint yourself with a razor because shit is getting unruly. Time to take back the streets, San Francisco. And by the streets, I mean your crotchular region.

My Other Gun is a Bike

Pretty sure I google reader shared this from some other blog a few weeks ago but I just stumbled across this on Valencia St. yesterday.  BAM

Finally, an alphabetized list of places to get wasted and do blow with The Modern San Franciscan!

 For those few of you who didn’t have something to say about the Modern San Franciscan, now’s your opportunity to get gratuitously whiny and butthurt over a Mike Giant drawing!

(as found on Kate’s Tumblr)

I’ll go first: To be honest, I can’t even hate on most of this. If I tried hard enough I could find something mean to say about all of these places (if you haven’t noticed, I’m really good at being mean, I think it’s why KevMo recruited me for this) but that still wouldn’t stop some of them from becoming my other living rooms. Even the Kezar, despite being a meetinghouse of the Fraternal Order of Dudebros, redeems itself with delicious burgers. My only complaint … where’s my fourth other living room, the Buddha Bar? That spot is on point.

Internet Haters, have at the comments section! 

While we're on the subject of Ganja Treats Man...

Here are some toys power figures for the future generations of hunter plaid-wearing Dolores Park narcs. I give you … Counter Terrorism dolls!

For the low, low price of “$1 only,”  you get two armored up dudes, an assault rifle, a grenade, a narcotic sniffing dog and a tiny plastic marijuana plant.

This complete set of educational, DEA-inspired fun can be purchased at Hajvery One Dollar Only on Mission & 23rd. Don’t let the terrorists win.


They Hatin': Ganja Treats Man Bust Followup

A reader follows up with pictures of the bust + narc responsible for hating on fun:

I witnessed the take down of the Ganja Man.  It was, just like you say, extremely sad.

I also love the group of people sitting directly to the right of the arrest.  They are trying to act cool but are actually sweating it big time cause they presumably have just bought from him… ha ha.  The whole thing is disappointing on so many levels; mostly that don’t the cops have anything better to do?

I’m also digging on the cop that has to carry the skull staff back to the cruise.  Hey Johnny, can you put this into evidence?

Previous coverage.

Narcs Take Down Ganja Treats Man

UPDATE: Additional pictures + coverage.

“Excuse me, but you are double parked.”

Apparently Mission PD has employed a cool kid (via beanie/Converse ‘kicks’/green flannel) to do undercover busts in Dolores.  Watching some humorless cop toss Ganja Treats Man’s cooler and wizard staff in the trunk of a cruiser was probably the most heart-breaking thing I’ve seen since Ice Cube’s last movie.  Anyways, if you’re a drug dealer and you see gray Pontiac Grand Am and some awkward coolster, you might want to reconsider the sale.  If anyone got a picture of this waste of police resources face, send it our way so we can post it.  Because when narcs are in the park, the terrorists NIMBY neighbors win.
