GoldSprints Setup Stolen
— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
Bummer: the West Coast GoldSprints setup was stolen Monday night up in Marin. If you've never raced GoldSprints before, it was a blast and the entire setup easily cost tens of thousands of dollars:
Sometime between 8pm Monday night and 8am Tuesday morning my entire GoldSprints roller racing rig was stolen.
It was parked in a lot in a normally safe, patrolled, well lit area in an office park on the south side of Novato.
The thieves broke the substantial Masterlock brand tongue lock that was on the trailer.
Leaving only a bit of debris and a portion of the lock, they towed the entire thing away.
It is a PACE American 12' dual axle white utility trailer with a side door and barn doors on the rear. I had just put a burly new Masterlock on the rear of the trailer as well.
All four of my gold metal flake Kreitler rollers with fork stands, the four wood stage decks, four Marin Ignacio black fixed gear bikes and four Globe Roll bikes were inside.
They are unusual in that they all have 53 x 13 gearing and are brakeless fixed gear bikes.
My Mackie speakers and Mackie subwoofer as well as four bins of sound, video and computer cables were inside along with all my associated tools and hardware. A Rane brand mixer, 19” LCD monitor, video projector and Globe banners as well. Two power drills and a red Craftsman toolbox full of hand tools.
If you spot the gold Kreitler rollers or fixed gear bikes with stupid tall gearing from Marin or Globe or any of the other items I'd love to hear about it as would a couple of local police agencies.
Anyways, here is a better pic of the bikes and you can see the trailer here.
(photo by Datenschwanz)