Art - The Streets

For Fliers Sake

Turns out we're not the only clever ones.

Someecards, who make ridiculous things you can sub in for your lame default Facebook birthday wall posts, has put together a collection of tongue-in-cheek fliers.  Another site posted these first, but they let the riff-raff in, so I recommend this better curated version.


Personally, I would have taken the “Adda boy” strip, because that would have made the experience even more special for him.

What signage will be subverted next? How about those change in ownership notices? Yes, this is a formal invitation to list Gavin or your other favorite punching bag as the proud new proprietor of a Mission St nudie arcade.


The Dolores Park footbridge has a new work of fine cat art that I must suggest checking out before it starts raining again.

Remember You Are Awake

Came across this madness pasted over a billboard on Valencia and 22nd by some anonymous artist.  Not sure why the hairy raisin is scratching its head, the mutant frog is doing jazz hands, and mushroom tops with human feet are jumping up and down, but I sure wish I knew who the artist's dealer is.  And as some sticker vandal wrote next to these pieces, “look at all these beautiful shades of grey.”  Word.

[Take a closer look at the work over at bhautik joshi's photostream]

Another Banksy Gets Buffed

Banksy's “This is where I draw the line” on the side of the Red Vic got buffed a week or so ago after being up for nearly a year.  Now, I'd probably be more alarmed about this if I ever went up to the Upper Haight to admire street art.  Or if I ever went up to the Upper Haight for any reason at all.  But what amazes me about this particular instance of street art disappearing is that people have already begun 'defending' his work's memory—or at least going up against the property owner—as if it was some sort of human rights abuse to cover it up.  “Nobody's finished we aint even begun.”  Oh shittt, I can see the property owner pissing his pants all the way from the Mission.

For the unfamiliar:

(First photo by Brian Brooks | Second photo by Sarah Sosiak)

Fresh LANGO Mural Going Up in the Haight

If I had to make a list of my 10 favorite murals in SF, LANGO's 22nd Street Medusa mural would probably wind up somewhere on that list.  And lucky for us, it looks like LANGO took the opportunity to take his rad mural and make a really big version of it up on the corner of Haight and Masonic.  Clearly it's not done yet, but hey, looks good so far.

(photo by Scott Cox | Check out more progress shots by Senor Valderrama)

Angry Graffiti Bro Lashes Out at Clarion Alley Going Mainstream

I found myself admiring some guy's shoes when he walked over this statement: “NOT A TOURSIT ATTRACTION. AN ALLEY.”  Obviously duder fails to understand that the two are not mutually exclusive (“THE GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE.  NOT A TOURIST ATTRACTION.  A BRIDGE.”).  But let's ignore that for a hot minute, why does it matter if murals are a tourist attraction?  Shouldn't people like murals?  Plus, it's not like there are Segway tours rolling up down 24th and turning down Valencia… holy shit, I'm arguing with spraypaint.

The Moment of Conception

Is paper on the sidewalk street art from the moment of conception, or can it still be buffed out for the first few months before it really takes its shape?
