Art - The Streets

A Winged Hot Dog Taking a Poop on an Aloof Burgerhead While Being Eye Fucked By a Disney Cartoon in a Bun

The new food fight mural on Tehama St. at 9th in SOMA sure is killer.  Sadly, it's locked behind a fence, so I wasn't able to photograph the entire thing.  But be sure to check out for yourself so you can gawk at a hamburger King Kong battling a hot dog Godzilla (no joke).

A Revolution Without Dancing is Not a Revolution Worth Having.

What I Saw in Berkeley Today spotted the latest work from Get Up pasted up on Berkeley's equivalent of Valencia Street.  Well, I guess it's hard to call Telegraph an equivalent to Valencia, considering it's thoroughly inferior.  Then again, Berkeley is an inferior version of San Francisco, so I supposed it works.  But I digress.  Dancing, right?  Yes, dancing.

No Hope For Gitmo Detainees

I love it when street art gets political and I'm not exactly sure what the artist is getting at.  Is this a criticism of Obama not closing Guantanamo despite his campaign promises to do so?  That detainees don't have any hope of seeing a fair trial(or a trial at all)?  That the artist hopes to get their master of fine arts?

Put A Bird On it

Someone had to explain this tag to me the other day, because I generally need things explained to me.  Apparently the popular children's television show Portlandia made the observation that people put birds on things to make everything more artistic.  Perhaps this is true, although Mid-Market is full of pigeons and than place is a shit pit.  Regardless, street artists have taken this concept and run wild on Clarion Alley's murals.
