Art - The Streets

Sycamore Burns Banksy

Cranky Old Mission Guy notes:

What's up at The Sycamore? The much-tagged-over Banksy is no more, but the awful brown color remains, with the queasy addition of loads of yellow and violet. Baskin-Robbins, eat your heart out!

Judgment aside, the mural appears to be dedicated to fried eggs having fun.

Apparently fun fried egg activities include kick flips:

Painting walls:

and apparently getting impaled by street signs (see above).

And in case you're not down with the shell spawn of barnyard fowl, the new mural includes fleeing root vegetables.

[All photos by Cranky Old Mission Guy]

Treasure Island Reclamation Project

Colin M Day, White Walls resident filmmaker, takes a look at the history, and future, of Treasure Island with street artist D Young V.  They talk about all sorts of good stuff: building the island out of earthquake rubble, the World's Fair, its naval history, and even its gentrification.  Yes, white yuppie tech workers can even gentrify a place with two convenience stores and almost no residents.  Go figure.

[via White Walls blog]

New 18 Reasons Storefront Begs You to Use Less Plastic

First it was Zoltron's anti-McDonald's message, now it's a bold statement against plastic water bottles.  18 Reasons sure is worried about America's dietary culture.

Also, this kid got quite a tongue-lashing from his mother when caught vandalizing the mural with his schoolyard politics:

Graffiti Writer Reminds Us to Start Planning Our Halloween Costume

As many have noticed, someone awesome has been writing “Halloween” on the sides of utility boxes over the past month or so.  And rightly so, Halloween is the best holiday and July is a perfectly acceptable time to start thinking about how to celebrate.  But acknowledging the limitations of spraypaint, this writer has resorted to paper-based pagan propaganda.  Nice in it's simplicity, although couldn't it be livened up a bit?
