Art - The Streets

Spicing Up Sidewalk Poo With a Bit of Holiday Cheer

Our East Coast brothers and sisters in the war against crap-covered sidewalks have devised a new tactic in shaming open-air bowel movement enthusiasts into reforming their gnarly ways: blanketing their street surprises with glitter and decorative figurines. Effective? Maybe. Hilarious? Definitely.

Miss Heather of New York Shitty—a blog dedicated to New York's curbside chocolate and street art scene—speculates that this strategy of sparkly ridicule might actually be getting IBS victims to move along:

Our poopetrator seems to be alternating his (her) bombing raids between West and India Street. […]

Has this person taken notice of my little project and feels some semblance of shame? Or is he simply revolted by his best friend’s doggie dumplings (like the rest of us)? This is the question I plan to tackle next. However, before leaving Poo Corner today I decided to leave my new friend a bit of holiday cheer.

Is it time we embrace a similar campaign for Mission District poos and pukes?  Leave toy boats in puddles of puke?  Have miniature Michael Phelps' doing laps in the nightly Great Lakes of Stomach Acid that appear outside of El Trebol?  Plant a bonsai forest of fake plastic avocado trees atop the mountains of dung that litter Bartlett?

The streets are our foul canvas.

(Also, my sincerest apologizes for two ass-related posts in a row.)

Mission-Made Film About Drunk Love Premieres Tonight at The Victoria, Warehouse Afterparty to Follow

I've got your Mission Friday night adventure all laid out. Some Mission filmmakers made a film in the Mission (and Wyoming)  and are premiering it tonight at an oldschool Mission cinema, and then they're throwing an afterparty at a Mission warehouse. “The Advice Of Strangers” is a stylish film about a starry-eyed lover on a drunken search for a girl after an New Years Eve party. The film was made on an $80,000 grant, so it looks decidedly unshitty, combining both gleaming color and epic high-contrast B&W.

Watch the trailer and buy discounted $5 tickets here on their Kickstarter. You'll get admission ito the premier at The Victoria Theatre on 16th between Mission and Van Ness, as well as a swanky afterparty nearby. Tickets are also available at the door, but bigger donations net you photographs from local artiste Alex Greenburg.

A typical 3-D film costs you $20 that goes directly up the nose of some ass-hat in Hollywood. For much cheaper you get a full night of homegrown entertainment, and you get to keep that money in town.

People talk a lot about the local art scene. Well here it is. Make it date night, roll up with your bros, or wear your black film buff turtleneck and go by yourself.

Slideshows and short films start at 7:30pm before the feature. Facebook Event with details here. And that ticket link again.

Painting Dolores Park

Artist Paul Madonna discusses his latest work, a 40-foot mural depicting the San Francisco cityscape as seen from Dolores Park, which will be unveiled IRL later this month inside Valencia Street's forthcoming Tacolicious location.

In the meantime, if you haven't checked out some of the preliminary visuals of the work, be sure to do that.

[via Grub Street]
