Pets & Animals

A Politically Scandalous Dog Talent Competition in Hayes Valley

Joe the Plumber Doggie (he didn't win).

Along with Supervisor Christina Olague, a cute couple from Dallas, and a bunch of degenerate soda-swilling 6-year-olds, I had the privileged of ranking over 20 of San Francisco's most effing adorable dogs in SF SPCA's DOGMA dog talent competition Sunday afternoon.

The competition was a lot of what you'd expect: dogs playing dead when shot, ample handshakes and rollings over, and dogs in cute costumes.  However, there were two outliers: Biscuit and Fiona.

Biscuit was an fluffy, happy-go-lucky Pomeranian whose similarity to Boo was difficult to overlook.  Biscuit wasn't all looks either, he (she? it?) could also kick a mini tennis ball into a goal—without looking—and do a bunch of jumps through her owner's arms and legs.  An impressive, yet clearly rehearsed, routine:

Fiona similarly killed it, but wasn't the looker like Biscuit.  After doing some handshakes and other boring-ass tricks, Fiona's owner sneezed, prompting the dog to go fetch tissues for her runny nose.  I was immediately taken in, as the dog played at my “slobbering mutt that fetches me beer” fantasy.  But it didn't end there, Fiona then started playing a mini piano:

Both dogs clearly destroyed the field and deserved the top slots, but there was a problem: all 8 judges gave both dogs perfect scores.  There was only one way to settle this…

A dog-off.

After deciding a dog fight would be inhumane and beneath the standards of the SPCA, we had both Fiona and Biscuit get back on stage and repeat their perfect performances, giving each judge an opportunity to pick a winner.

Now, it is worth noting that Mayor Ed Lee-appointed District 5 Supervisor Christina Olague was always the first person to rank an animal during the regular season.  Despite never giving an animal “1”, the lowest score possible, even when a pet froze on stage and the 6-year-olds said “pass” and threw down 1s, her scores generally seemed in line with everyone else.  Not artificially inflated or anything suspect like that, just honest appraisals of the mutt's talents.

So when it came down to making final decisions, I was really interested to see how a politician up for election would rank the dogs.  In the dog-off, Biscuit and Fiona threw down perfect performances yet again.  So, without any blunders to make the decision easy for the judges, we were left up to our own gut.  Would it be an adorable athlete or the tortured artist with compassion for the sick?

In a shocking twist, the judges voted in reverse, leaving Supervisor Olague to vote last.  Biscuit picked up an early lead in the polls, racking up a couple of checks.  Then Fiona received some crucial votes to keep her in the running, but one of the 6-year-olds voted for Biscuit, giving the furball a lock on the win.

When the ballot was passed to Olague for a largely symbolic final vote, she began to throw her support behind Fiona.  But, after looking at the depth of support for Biscuit, she changed her vote and marked one off for the sporty Pomeranian, rubberstamping the 6-year-olds decision.

In psychology, they call this phenomenon “groupthink”, a pull towards conformity in decision-making situations that subverts critical thinking and appraisal of alternative solutions.  In politics, they call this something much, much less flattering.

Anyway, Biscuit was goddamn adorable and this marks my one and only visit to Hayes Valley in the year 2012.

Drinking in the TL Sure Sounds Eventful

I'm gone out in the TL plenty of times, but I guess I'm going to all the wrong places at the wrong times, because I'm yet to witness what dvtdl? saw at Nite Cap:

So I went to the Nite Cap the other night and saw three things:

1) A bleached blond, comb over, punk rocker drunk guy fall off his bar stool and in the process slam his girlfriend’s head in to a wall. She curled up in a twisted ball and screamed and wailed on the floor. It looked like her ankle was broken, and she was covering her face with her hands yelling “my face! my face!” As an ambulance was called, she tried to run out of the bar and in the process kept falling over and running in to the wall. She was limping badly, all the while the drunk boyfriend stood by not saying much. Some people, myself included, followed her out of the bar to make sure she didn’t stumble in to traffic, where we then saw…

There's a thrilling reveal about what goes down outside the joint, plus some explanation about how the Good Dog on a couch works into the story, but you'll have to read on for all that.

Man Becomes Dog, Love Ensues

It's often said, “If a dog becomes a man it's not news, but if a man becomes a dog, you've got a story.”  Well, at Folsom Street Fair, there was quite the scene as a pup-play fetishist performed some witchcraft and shapeshifted into a growling BDSM hellhound, only to fool some feeble-minded mutt into falling in love.

After the pair locked eyes, the man got down on all fours and flirtatiously pawed at the dogs face and the next four photos I took are very much not safe for work and are stashed under my mattress for safe keeping.

Finally, Valet Parking Arrives at the Mission's Veterinary Hospital

I noticed something curious the other day: the vet on corner of 18th and Alabama now provides valet parking services!  Which is great; next time Seamus gets a touch sick, I can just strap him to the roof of my station wagon and pay some guy in a vest to hopelessly circle the neighborhood until I'm done.

Dumb Bird Spares World From Another Tourist's Boring Golden Gate Bridge Sunset Video

Have you ever seen a Golden Gate sunset video? No? Well there's about a million of 'em on YouTube, in case you were interested.  See, every tourist upon visiting San Francisco busts out their inner Michael Bay and records some sweet vid of the sun setting against our fine bridge and uploads it for their friends and family to awe at.

Apparently this bird got fed up with seeing this harmless shit go down day after day and decided to do something about it.  Fortunately for us, the camera's owners found the device and uploaded the resulting video for all their friends and family to awe at:

Good Dog of The Week: Tiny Corgi

I saw this little champion after work the other day.  It was a stressful day - lots of people buggin out and a ton of extra work, I was fried and just wanted to go home.  Then I saw Tiny Corgi. He looked up at me and I knew everything was going to be alright.  

He was like, “hey man… it's just work, right? Dont stress - tomorrow's going to be another day in this beautiful city.” and I said “yeah… yeah it is”.

Buffalo Lane

Improving upon the city's already steller green transportation infranstructure, someone painted these handy buffalo sharrows around Golden Gate Park.  So should you ever decide to take one of the city's pet bison out for a stroll, you and the passing cars will know that it's okay for you and your 2,000 pound friend to Take The Lane.

Did You Lose a Turtle Near Corona Heights Park?

I know Corona Heights is up some big dumb hill and thus outside our jurisdiction, but there's a turtle at stake here.  Also, how does one simply “lose” a turtle anyway?  It's not like those lil' fuckers are known for their evasive skills.  And does its owner think their turtle requires walks up the steeps of San Francisco?

Many unanswered questions on this fine summer morning…

(Also, if anyone lost a skunk in the park, I'm sorry to report that I found you skunk dead.  He's half buried by the blackberry thicket.  Looks like a dog got into the remains.  Real gnarly stuff.  I'm sorry for your loss.)
