Pets & Animals

Please Don't Eat The Birds

There's a new blog on the block dedicated to the fine town of Oakland. Despite titling the site off a tired meme, Fuck Yeah Oakland, it's currently shaping up to be one of the better Oakland blogs with food, street art, photography, and coverage of other such East Bay happenings.  Not much for cultural commentary, but hey, at least we have a solid stream of snaps reminding us not to eat the tasty, poison-filled birds that live in Lake Merritt.

[Fuck Yeah Oakland]

Local Dogs Also Glued to the TV This Morning

Like everyone else, I couldn't keep my eyes off the tragedy unfolding in Japan this morning.  Of course, local news stations begged us to feel sympathy for Santa Cruz's resident boat owners, which is almost as classy as telling us the greatest tragedy in the Oscar Grant murder trial was the looting of a Foot Locker.

Too bad dogs can't use the internet.

SF Animal Shelters Overrun by Chihuahuas, PETA Says Hipsters to Blame

Once San Francisco's Mission District's hottest accessory, Tinkerbell now starves for attention from indignant hipsters of Dolores Park (pic)

A few days ago, PETA ran a piece claiming that Paris Hilton, Puppy Mills, Beverly Hills Chihuhua, hipsters were to blame for the sudden overcrowding of “purse pups” in our local shelters.  The problem has gotten so out of control, PETA claims, that commercial airline Virgin America has stepped up to fly these Chihuahuas to NYC where they will have another chance at the glamorous life they deserve, instead of succumbing to hipster rejection in the crowded Chihuahua shelters of San Francisco.

Not really sure when Chihuahuas became a fashionable hipster accessory, but these pictures seem to tell a pretty good story…

At the height of hipster Chihuahua popularity, Buster rocked the blue hanky- symbolic for his penchant for anal sex, while tightly wrapped in a babes on Vespa sandwich. (pic)

Lucy strutted her stuff on stage in front of hoards of hipsters crowding in Dolores Park to see her Easter Sunday debut at the Sexy Jesus Contest (pic)

Now mostly forgotten, Chihuahuas unable to get into overrun shelters all over the Mission are lost in this eternal lonely void we call “life” (pic)

Farewell eternal summer. Don't cry for me, I am already gone. (pic)


The Dolores Park footbridge has a new work of fine cat art that I must suggest checking out before it starts raining again.

Dog Stolen Out of Parked Car

We generally don't post things like this, but this particular circumstance is extremely fucked up.  So if you see and crackheads selling a cute small dog anytime soon, give this person a ring.

Cats and Skulls

Gemma Correll isn't a local artist or anything, but I did get turned onto her work from the recently departed Little Otsu press/shop on Valencia, so I figure that's good enough. Anyway, Gemma is now doing monthy cartoons for Emirates inflight magazine, which means there's at least one thing looking at in airline magazines now. [link]
