Pets & Animals

Dog's Commandments

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

In exhibit A we see a commandment which asserts authority over a dog's body, and in exhibit B the conflicting, uncomfortable truth is joyfully brought to bear.

As long as we are brought to shame by our own bodies, we concede control to those who offer forgiveness and redemption at the price of knowledge and exploration.

What lies beyond the sands we know? The ocean is off-limits to the obedient; only those who venture a bath in its salty tides uncover further facets of the many-sided die of life:

tshirt from loops and pluto

Documenting the Painting of ROA's Sea Lions

ROA part III from Spencer Keeton Cunningham on Vimeo.

This recent video documents the recent painting of a trio of three-story-tall sea lions by ROA in the Mission. It shows the softer side of ROA: ROA the fingerpainter, ROA the artist concerned for children's eyes, ROA the artist who is not too busy for the toothless crazy man. A true man of integrity.

Bay to Breakers Beer Bust Burns Bummer Bear

I know B2B was, like, forever ago, but just look at this snap.  Bummer Bear innocently staring into the soul of a random SFPD officer demanding he moisten the ground with his beverage.  The officer playing coy; looking away from the tempting gaze of his newfound big brown animal lover.  At any second, the officer's billy club will be used for the most gratifying of unintended purposes.

What a moment.

[Photo via SeattlePI]

Giant Post-Apocalyptic Rabbit Now Gracing the Side of The Hemlock

ROA recently finished up a rad new mural outside of the Hemlock while tail-ending his show at White Walls.  Unfortunately, this means we've lost the GIANT FUCKING SHARK we all came to know and love that was on the same wall.  'Tis the nature of street art, I suppose.

[photo by Erik Wilson | hat tip The Tender]
