Muni, BART & Getting the Fuck Around

BART-Themed Birthday Bash

Guys, I know I'd rather lick the sidewalk then be near a 4-year-old's birthday party, but just look at that cake!  That's right, the remote village of Glen Park recently came together to put on a BART-themed birthday party, featuring giant system maps, BART goodie bags and a giant BART birthday banner.  You can read all about it over at The Glen Park Association.

(via SF Appeal)

Stay Brown

Reader Aimee Ellis spotted this yesterday:

WHAAAAAAAAA? Have you already seen this car around town? Pretty HILARIOUS.

On her personal internet weblog, she adds:

I’m speechless. Yes- the back of the car says “STAY BROWN LA MISSION”. I have a few questions for the driver of this car if anyone knows who it is:
1) Is this an announcement you are making as the owner of this fine vehicle?
2) If this was not done on your own accord, do you know WHAT the hell you did that resulted in this being tagged onto your car?
3) If this was in fact retaliatory do you feel that you have now learned your lesson?
4) Did your co-workers / neighbors / friends see your car, and if so did they laugh at you?

Dunno.  Cannot imagine that anyone who owns a “Smart Car” would voluntarily spray “STAY BROWN” all over their hatch.  Seems like this is a Noe Valley vehicle that parked on the wrong side of Mission St. on a trip to Range.  Either that or we are just being viral marketed too.

Protect Your Ashtray Full of Change

Well, this is a clever way to protect your rape van from petty crime: cover your smashed out window with a bed sheet claiming you have a guard dog lurking in your van.  Our investigation of the vehicle revealed that there was, in fact, no dog present, $1.73 in change in the ashtray and a really nice iPod charger.

Oakland Streetcar Plan Picking Up Steam

Some punk kid put together a detailed proposal for an Oakland streetcar plan for $987, or the same amount the writers of Uptown Almanac spent on alcohol, vegan cookies, and condoms last weekend.  I read about it awhile back, but it seems to be gaining momentum with said punk kid, 20-year-old Stanford student Daniel Jacobson, presenting at the Oakland Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee tonight. These types of proposals usually, inexplicably cost a few hundred grand to put together, so I propose capping city planner ages at 21, when idealism and naivety allow people to create things without wasting a shitload of money. Read more at Oakland North.

Improvements Coming to 19th and Dolores?

It was nice to see Mission Loc@l's Rigoberto Hernandez do a follow up on the subject of the 19th and Dolores death trap (previously whined yelled about on this very blog).  Interesting take aways from the piece include that Supervisor (and mayoral candidate) Bevan Dufty does not support stop signs at the intersection and the city is considering putting “bulb-outs,” similar to the ones installed recently on Valencia St., on Dolores.

Personally, I think stop lights, or better yet a stop light, or even better speed bumps or 5 Sandinistas brandishing machetes and assault riffles enforcing traffic laws, would be a better solution, but anything is an improvement.

The Dangers of Stripping and Driving

Saw this wreckage from a grizzly 3-car pile up on San Jose and Dolores the other day.  The cops looked far too busy so I didn't ask any questions, but I can't help but wonder why the hell there is a pink bra hanging out the window and why there is puke all over the passenger side door.  Hope everyone made it out okay!

Snakes on a BART

A couple of questions:

  1. Who's your dealer?
  2. Is this even fucking allowed?

Look, I don't have a huge problem with snakes or weed.  But I do think it is kind of fucked you combine the two and decide to bring said snake onto BART.  BART is a place for homeless people to sleep and my friends from Berkeley to puke, not for snakes.

BART Don't Lie has the full story and more pics.

(Thanks Brock!)

Propped Up with Bricks

Back in the day (two years ago), my friends and I used to leave our cars parked in the Dogpatch for weeks at a time because they didn't have permit parking or street sweeping out there.  One summer afternoon, my friend went to retrieve his vehicle and his car was propped up with Sprite containers sans wheels.  Sprite containers, people.  It ended up costing more than $400 bucks and was a major hassle.  Given that, I feel bad for you, Mission parker.

(photo by Protohiro)
