Muni, BART & Getting the Fuck Around

Getting Booted: My Charitable Donation for the Year

After getting booted in the Mission this weekend, I 'donated' nearly a $$$GRAND$$$ to the City of San Francisco this morning.  You're fucking welcome.  

On a related note, I'll be joining the ranks of the car-less masses.  Can't wait to wake up an hour earlier to commute to the East Bay every morning.  Anyone want to buy 1989 Accord coupe?  Ugly as shit but it runs.  Holler.

Douchiest Car in SF

Remember the time your parents were all proud of you and put the sticker of your college on the back of their Taurus but you were 'wicked embarrassed' because you graduated from Holyoke Community College?  Well, now this douchedad is gloating about where his little semen stains work.  Steve Jobs, you made a father proud.

(via tumbledore)

Bay to Breakers Walk of Shame

Have we milked this topic enough?  I don’t think so.  From Angel:

I know it’s way late, but I’ve been a bit disappointed with the past B2B stuff I’ve seen on the blogs. I saw this guy sneaking in to the BART Monday morning hoping no one saw him. Actually I was surprised he was the only person I saw doing the walk of shame that morning. I don’t know what’s more shameful/prideful - spending the night passed out in the park or jail. Anyway, sorry, my pic is sucky - on my phone and I don’t practice taking pics of people doing goofy stuff all day long.

lollergeddon: "Burrito triggers SF bomb squad, disrupts Muni N-Judah rail service"

The terrorists just won the war:

A suspicious package containing a burrito disrupted San Francisco Municipal Railway Service in the city’s Sunset District early Tuesday and prompted a response by the bomb squad.

A witness on the scene reported the package was found to contain a burrito.

I’m worried for our safety.  Are trigger happy BART cops going to ‘bust shots’ in my chest because I’m hungry for some rice and guac at 2am?  Trick question.

(via Bay City News)
