Oakland Streetcar Plan Picking Up Steam

Some punk kid put together a detailed proposal for an Oakland streetcar plan for $987, or the same amount the writers of Uptown Almanac spent on alcohol, vegan cookies, and condoms last weekend.  I read about it awhile back, but it seems to be gaining momentum with said punk kid, 20-year-old Stanford student Daniel Jacobson, presenting at the Oakland Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee tonight. These types of proposals usually, inexplicably cost a few hundred grand to put together, so I propose capping city planner ages at 21, when idealism and naivety allow people to create things without wasting a shitload of money. Read more at Oakland North.

Comments (3)

The proposal only cost $987 because his time was free. Most people who would work on something like that aren’t independently wealthy with that much leisure time.

9-months at, say, a liberal salary for a 20-year-old of $100k/year.


Still sounds like a deal to me.