Mission District

Crank Dat, Soyja Boy!


The soy milk at Boogaloos. Also, this made me miss Frisco Disco at the Transfer. That was the most fun! Even that night where everyone’s shit got stolen by some dude who looked like Hello Kitty THAT WAS STILL A GOOD NIGHT. Where is the new Transfer? Let me know, I’m older and fatter now but I still gots to move! I’m like a shark, if I ain’t swimming, I’m dying. 

Given the success of "Hipster Puppies," I think I should start "Indie Rock Puppies"

All I wanted to do yesterday was ravage a black bean burger and drink some generic-yet-strikingly-sexy American beer; so I rolled into Bender’s and was immediately confronted by some Fernet-sponsored afternoon sideshow.  Yahweh clearly wasn’t going to be parting the sea of scenesters covered in red stage lighting for me, so opted to hang out in the back making fleeting hand-grabbing motions at the unplugged pinball machine.  Then I spotted the scene below.  Front row at an indie-row concert: this poor dog had ‘teh fear’ in his eyes.  The owner even attempted to cover the dog’s ears when their fashion-accessory became visibly unsettled.  It didn’t work but the. show. must. go. on.

I guess this is what it takes to be cool in the authenticity arms race?

DOLORES PARK CLOSURE: City Spends Your Money On PR Firm Tasked With Shutting You Up

Following last week’s announcement that the Recreation and Parks Department is looking to layoff 71 employees, Uptown Almanac has learned that the department has hired a public relations firm to coordinate community meetings, synthesize public input, and “reach a general consensus” with “vocal community members” surrounding the Dolores Park renovations and other park improvements to be completed as part of the 2008 Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond.  The firm, Davis & Associates Communications, signed their contract “more than a month ago,” according to a representative of the agency who identified herself only as “Tina.”

“We are the communications and outreach consultants for the 2008 Clean and Safe Neighborhood Park Bond.”

The move is unprecedented in the parks department: the city did not hire an outside firm following the 2000 Parks Bond and subsequently faced backlash following a mismanagement of funds and the inability to accomplish goals laid out by the bond, including a $13m renovation of Dolores Park. The move indicates that department expects continued backlash and additional failed promises.

According to Elton Pon of Rec. & Park, the department has historically “relied on no one to do PR work to the public and the press.”

“This is particularly note-worthy because it is a huge bond and encompasses a variety of projects.  It’s just huge.  In the initial bond in 2000, we didn’t have any outreach support and I think going into this one… that was made a priority.”

However, the proposed bond voters approved in 2008 did not allocate any money for an outside public relations firm, suggesting they have already misappropriated funds before breaking any ground.  According to the San Francisco Chronicle and Rec and Park’s 2008 Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Report (Warning: PDF), voters did not approve any money to be spent on a PR consultancy:

The proposed $185 million parks and recreation bond:

  • $117.4 million for repairs and renovations of neighborhood parks
  • $33.5 million for renovation and development of waterfront parks
  • $11.4 million for park bathrooms
  • $8.5 million for artificial turf fields
  • $5 million for community opportunity grants
  • $4 million for park trees
  • $5 million for park trails
  • $200,000 for audits by a bond oversight committee


“Change The Story”

Pon confirmed that Nicolas King’s confirmation of the park closure was “correct at that time.”

“The problem stems from that this is really early on in the process so a lot of the details are still being worked out. There was some misinformation out there and I think your blog helped to kind of get everybody on the same page, get all our ducks in a row and make sure all the information was accurate.”

It has been alleged that Mary Hobson, project manager for the Dolores Park renovation, had been discussing closing the park “entirely,” for the past year.  However, after Uptown Almanac broke the news that Dolores Park would be closed for 17 months and the public responded harshly, Phil Ginsberg, director of Rec. & Park, told Hobson to “change the story.”

When asked to comment on the allegations, Elton Pon responded: “I really don’t think that is likely, I spoke to Mary, and she didn’t… she said she has not even spoken directly to Phil about this project.”

Of course, Pon’s comments to Uptown Almanac are dramatically different than the story delivered to the Examiner.

Editor’s Note: Uptown Almanac has filed requests through the Sunshine Ordinance with Recreation & Parks to review the proposal, financials, and communication between the city and Davis & Associates.  Those requests have not been fulfilled at this time.

To track developments on this story, you can follow us on Twitter, by RSS, or, if you hate this blog but love Dolores Park, our Dolores Park RSS feed.

Gestalt Haus Stepping It Up

A while ago, I sort of fell out of love with Gestalt Haus.  Don't get it twisted: Murph is still peaced out, their supply of sauerkraut remains sketchy, the DJ booth still awkwardly switches from LL Cool J to Joy Division, they are less apt to pour beers in liters, and the old bike rack location remain some awkward lounge area.  But, damn, their bathroom snowmen are fucking tops and they are now one of the rare places in San Francisco that has Big Buck Hunter.  Believe you me, anyone who has ever lived in a town of with more dogs than people is truly baffled by the lack of a solid hunting games in San Francisco.  Nothing say “Friday Night” like paying $2.50 to 'bust shots' into big horn sheep while guzzling lackluster American Light beer for two bucks.  It's a great way to work out some of that vegetarian angst.

Also, who doesn't love staring at a giant dog while pissing?

Capp Cooper's Hawk

Yesterday at 4pm, I was amusing myself with the idea of finally taking a shower when I spotted my neighbor holding a rocket launcher attached to a camera.  Turns out he was just taking shots of a Cooper's Hawk digesting a meal, not taking out Boo Radley's house once and for all.  I learned a lot of interesting things, like there is a bird called Cooper's Hawk and hawks commonly defecate 2 minutes prior to flight.  Normally I'd make some comparison to hipsters taking a crap 2 minutes before going to Kilowatt, but that just seems too obvious.


Side note: you can see badass birds on Capp St. 24/7 if you're looking to move.

Tough-Ass Mirror That Weathered the Storm

Got pushed into the ladies’ room the other night only to find this:


Over the years, there IS or IS NOT a mirror in this bathroom.  For a while, there was a tough-ass mirror that weathered the storm.  Thank you, mirror.  HOWEVER, I do not WANT or NEED to see myself when I’m in this bar.
So, hell wall.
Welcome back!
It’s nice to see you again.
