— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
Yesterday at 4pm, I was amusing myself with the idea of finally taking a shower when I spotted my neighbor holding a rocket launcher attached to a camera. Turns out he was just taking shots of a Cooper's Hawk digesting a meal, not taking out Boo Radley's house once and for all. I learned a lot of interesting things, like there is a bird called Cooper's Hawk and hawks commonly defecate 2 minutes prior to flight. Normally I'd make some comparison to hipsters taking a crap 2 minutes before going to Kilowatt, but that just seems too obvious.
Side note: you can see badass birds on Capp St. 24/7 if you're looking to move.
Comments (3)
there are hipsters at the Kilowatt? I thought everyone at that bar was from cleveland?
I saw this guy (or one of his cousins) swoop up a live pigeon near 25th and Mission and fly up to the roof of Chase. Made my fucking day.
Its a blood bath every year in my back yard. The long-residing dove family and the hawk, who often posts himself on the railing right off my back door – my dog always knows when he’s there, plucking his kill… and whimpers.