
Mission Bicycle Company Unveils "The Noe"

After years of exclusively selling fixies and single speeds to the neighborhood 20-somethings which the company was named after, the bike shop thought it wise to expand their reach to the burgeoning “out-of-the-stroller-and-into-the-saddle” market up the hill.

Their facebook post on the matter has all the pertinent details.

And Now There's a "Shit San Franciscans Say" Video...

Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of shit in there I've never heard anyone, you know, actually say.  And they probably could have added some stuff like “don't forget your hoodie!” and “sorry be there in 20” and “shit, is BART still running?” and “cold beer, cold water” and “when are local blogs going to stop posting these dumb videos?”  But yeah, this isn't that bad.

Four Barrel Baristas Also Say Shit

I know you'd rather lick the sidewalk than watch another “Shit ______ Says” video, buttttttt this one was put together by a barista Four Barrel and it reveals a lot about local coffee culture that I did not know about.  Like soy is looked down upon.  And someone still listens to The Shins.

[via Grub Street]

Police Sketch Artists Release Graphic Mug Shot of Muni's Most Wanted

In light of the continued controversy surrounding the egregious crimes that occurred on Muni this past New Year's Eve, SFPD has released this sketch of the suspect's bottom region.  Authorities state that she is believed to be intoxicated and dangerous, and should be threatened with rape and murder should you encounter her.

Police ask that if you recognize this urine stream, please call SFPD immediately.

[Drawing by The Fog Bender]

How to Pee on Muni

It's easy, really.  For girls, just hang your ass out the window and dribble down the side of a “We Bought a Zoo” banner.  For guys, whip out your syphilitic dick as you are already accustomed to doing on the bus, somehow manage to seek out the corner that will maximize the quantity of people that have to smell it, and just pee there.

[This feat was accomplished by Kelly Kate]
