How to Pee on Muni

It's easy, really.  For girls, just hang your ass out the window and dribble down the side of a “We Bought a Zoo” banner.  For guys, whip out your syphilitic dick as you are already accustomed to doing on the bus, somehow manage to seek out the corner that will maximize the quantity of people that have to smell it, and just pee there.

[This feat was accomplished by Kelly Kate]

Comments (3)

Wow two squatting girls giving the finger on the UA home page at the same time. I feel a meme coming on.

I’m usually one to take a controversial position AGAINST people having the living shit beat out of them on MUNI… but I guess maybe this is the exception that proves the rule. ‘Cuz that fucking carbuncle needs a fist-sized lesson in social etiquette like nobody’s business.

With any luck someone outside will throw a bottle at her next time.