For Your Consideration: Adorable Map of San Franciscan Animals!

Well isn't this just the cutest map of San Francisco you've ever seen?

Oakland artist Naomi Bardoff is pretty spot on with this beautiful watercolor map of SF and the crazy critters that inhabit it.

In the spirit of wanton stereotyping, we thought of a few animals and neighborhoods that were omitted from the map:

11. French bulldogs accompanied by gay dudes in Duboce Park
12. Patricia Dolores!
13. Rats and roaches in the Tenderloin
14. Sharks in the ocean
15. Politicians in Civic Center
16. Cats in the home of every girl living in the Mission, because doesn't every girl living in the Mission seem to have a cat these days?
17. Raccoons in the Panhandle
18. Poorly cared for pitbulls belonging to street kids in the Haight
19. Little dogs in purses in the Marina

Any more to add?

[Found the map on this website, which houses hundreds of handmade maps from artists all over the world. This one of Castro gay bars is another favorite. Check it out!]

Comments (8)

they forgot the bears on Folsom St.

Does this count?

always though the coyotes in GGP and Bernal were the most interesting wildlife in the City

At least I made the list! Thanks again uptown. Coyotes, the hawks on the hill tops and the hummingbirds all over are a few of the one’s we would like to see added.

Skunks in ParkMerced and turtles in the lake. Red Tailed Hawks at the Olympic Club golf course

Raccoons around Coit Tower
Swans at the Palace of Fine Arts
Jackasses in City Hall
Fat Cats in the Financial District


Party animals everywhere.

So glad you guys are enjoying the map! I will definitely have to make another one with all of these wonderful (and often hilarious!) additions :)
