— By Serg |
If you don't know, this is Jeanmarie Guenot, the alleged woman who recently got Slim's alcohol license supended. Check SFWeekly for more info on the whole bullshit. I mean look, I understand living next to clubs and bars can be an issue BUT THAT'S WHY YOU DON'T FUCKING MOVE NEXT TO A FUCKING CLUB IF YOU GOT BITCHMADE EARS! If you would like to check the open letter to her, go here. Can some black metal band please post up outside of her place and do a 48 hour set? Pretty please?
Comments (60)
What a spoiled brat. But the worst part isn’t so much that assholes like her exist, it’s that the city keeps caving to these stupid NIMBYs.
only in SF can one lone asshole make the City it’s willing partner to fuck up legitimate businesses. It’s like that asshole in the Tenderloin that fucked with a cafe that wanted seating outside, those assholes that lived near Ike’s old location, and the endless douchebags that choose to live in the City but seem to think they’re supposed to live like the folks in the ‘burbs that make SF full of crap.
I know, right? One complaining douchebag has more power than the mayor and BoS combined.
David Overdorf is the name of the guy in the Tenderloin who fought against sidewalk seating for Little Bird Cafe because “Public safety is a big thing for me”.
If he is so concerned about fire safety, why does he keep a public street locked off, in violation of fire safety code?
“The catch is the gate cannot be locked; city policy cites fire safety and public access issues. “
“”Now there is no more illegal parking.” said David Overdorf
Holy shit, my friends used to live on Meacham; I think in that red brick building. It’s fucking fabulous. Used to be bakery. But they moved ages ago, over 10 years. That house is sweet. It was originally redone by two guys; the living room is like something out of a James Bond movie, all wood paneled and stain glass with a huge fireplace. The master bedroom had an oak floor with a custom king bed that lowered into the floor and the backboard lowered over the bed to make the entire room a dance floor. A mini kitchen in the bedroom and the bathroom had all of the cabinets and drawers hidden in the walls so you just pushed and they would open. The outdoor deck had a railing with a view of the skylight overlooking the guest bedroom down in the basement floor (yeah…to watch the guests right over their bed). Kitchen in the lower floor with walk in wine cellar. The place was sweet, and kinky but classy.
OK, kids, time for a wake up call.
You are cool with the whole “dense city” concept with your little bikes and all, but then when the after-effects of that take shape – i.e. if its not warehouses anymore its probably condo’s and apts. with people who want some semblance of quiet.
You can’t have it both ways.
If you want Slims to continue as a happy train wreck of bridge & tunnel weekend warriors, then get off your urban planning density bus and onto your bike – as in from your house in the sunset.
What? How is Slim’s a Bridge & Tunnel venue? It is a live music venue, not a cheezy night club.
Nice try, though.
Is it just me or is there no actual argument in this comment?
It’s not you…
there is NO argument here whatsoever
No, @Troymcclure, it’ not just you. There’s no argument. The commenter simply presumes that condos filled with whiny rich assholes are what inevitably (?) follow … “kids with their little bikes and all” who apparently believe in a “dense city concept.” whatever the hell that means, it’s not clear at all. “You can’t have it both ways” also makes no sense in that it presumes the kids with bikes *want* the condos filled with assholes.
What’s much clearer is Serge’s simple point. Why move into a fancy condo in a tiny alley *directly* behind Slim’s, not to mention right smack in the middle of one of the city’s higher-density nightlife areas, and then expect peace and quiet? Maybe she’s just the most gullible homebuyer in history, and an agent could have sold her an apartment above the EndUp. But I doubt it.
So just who is it who wants to have it both ways?
The magnitude of this Guenot woman’s ego is truly staggering. Move to fucking Danville and go to sleep.
I am cool with the dense city concept. In fact I once lived in an apartment on Market Street. It was noisy. I knew it would be when I moved in. I chose an apartment with windows not directly facing Market, and up a floor, and I dealt with the remaining noise. People who are going to move into a noisy area should do several things: assess the noise cancelling materials of their home, assessing the noise of the neighborhood when they move in - being up a floor makes a difference for example, and evaluate their tolerance. You check if there is parking if that is priority, or green space if that is a priority, why shouldn’t you be expected to check if there is noise before move in if that is your priority?
I believe that high quality apartments & condos should be built with noise cancelling materials in a dense city environment. If this isn’t the case for this woman that is where she should be focusing, not the source of the noise. Yeah her place is noisy but if an argumentative band moved in next door she’d still have a problem, and if Slim’s shuts down she’ll still have a problem, as evidenced by her complaints against other clubs. And unless she is trying to rezone the city, any future similar venue will be the same. Does she really prefer empty businesses?
Exactly. A friend of mine used to live at 18th and Castro above the Walgreens and it was actually very quiet. Even on nights when there was a ton of noise on the street.
Thanks for the insightful info Captain Condescend. Quick! The Mission needs your services at benders!
The problem with Sf is they outnumber us with dollars. Slim’s said they have paid over $250,000 in violations since she has moved in. That’s a pretty hefty business hiccup. It’s sucks but she, and other losers like her, will keep fighting and probably win. On the other hand we will all keep moving to “fringe” neighborhoods and opening venues. It’s the cat and mouse game of every big city.
In a Democracy that shouldn’t matter, and it’s hard to even be cynical about such things when Meg Whitman got her ass kicked despite blowing millions of dollars.
Sure, money talks, but a majority talks louder. The problem is that people like this have nothing better to do than work the system, whereas the rest of us have to go to work.
Here’s an older article, but the Watsons moved to Michigan.
Here’s an ABC judgment from a year ago, which names the Watsons, but also Ms. Guenot.
I’ll just leave this here with no comment about what it implies
Whoa, nice find on that SEC filing, though it’s hardly relevant to her complaints about noise from a nightclub that had been present for 18 years prior to her arrival on the scene.
I wonder if she can fuck the ABC until they see things her way? I’d guess that’s what worked for her in the past. Maybe she can fuck a flight attendant and get the hell out of here.
Sounds like somebody needs a flaming bag of dog poop or 12.
BITCHMADE SINCE SIXTH GRADE! EVICT YO’SELF! Probably the same lady who called the cops on the Boot Camp Click show.
Your blog is terrible.
You should petition a supervisor and get it shut down.
I admit living behind The Independent since they upgraded their sound system this past year that my building often complains about the new level of bass felt throughout the building. The bass can be very annoying but I’m often out past 12:30am and can deal with it.
The solution for Slim’s is to get this woman a cat that purs louder.
Would that do?
Or a vibrator. Someone send her a gift basket from Good Vibes.
That would be to good for her, send a gift basket from bad vibes w/ an eviction notice.
She’s probably got 15 cats.
And 30 Vibrators
Not that I WANT more of it, but part of me hopes we see a bunch more shit like this, all at once to reach a critical mass so that people will finally realize how often shit like this happens and take back this fucking city.
Slim’s, Ragazza, DNA Lounge, Lucky 13 (whose brand new patio was shut down after like two days), that coffee shop in the TL, parklets… Why do people get such a boner for blocking ANYTHING from actually happening in this supposedly progressive city?
The Lone Star on 9th at Harrison, a bar open for 20+ years had to remove the speakers from the patio because some bitch ass condo dwellers decided to build a multi-floor building right behind the bar which overlooks the patio. Seriously; if you have that much money, move to the Oakland or Berkeley hills and leave the city to us.
Dude, these whiny fucks are the same people who’re terrified of Oakland.
Remember when Spock said “The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few”? In San Francisco, it’s apparently just the opposite.
It’s time for a drag show in her living room or at least on her door step! This is how I lost my party Charlie Horse at the Cinch 2 years ago. New condo owner and complaints every night! This is disgraceful. First of all Development companies pay very little in taxes and THEY should be help responsible for sound proofing in club areas!
The same shit happened to my neighborhood bar, The Attic last year. Some douchebag named Jonathan Joiner moved in above the convenience store across the street. He started complaining about the “noise” coming from the bar, downstairs and across the street, specifically when they had DJ nights. The bar did everything it could to compromise with Mr. Joiner, an idiot who moved to 24th street expecting peace and quiet. They even started keeping an employee outside to ensure the front door was always closed, to block the noise. And I can attest you couldn’t hear ANY bar-noise from across the street, even on the busiest of Friday/Saturday nights. The 48 making it’s stops, and drunks walking down busy 24th street were much much louder. As for drunk people smoking and talking outside, dude moved in across the street from a bar, what did he expect?
Of course, we quickly realized Johnny Joiner is a lawyer who works for a firm in SF. He discovered the bar didn’t have the proper license to have DJ nights and sued the shit out of them. EXTORTIONIST. Here’s a link to his page, http://hurlburtlaw.com/bio2.html if you see him on the street tell him he’s an asshole. Community shame is the only payback for people who ruin our neighborhoods.
Isn’t Joiner the same guy that ordered pizza from Escape From New York past closing time and then sued them for serving food past closing time? Total fool. The Attic is so quiet with the door closed that I’ve often thought it was closed during business hours.
Drop Jeanmarie a note on her corporate website: Info@GUENOTLLC.com
Let her know how much you appreciate her concerns about noise pollution.
You can even add her to your professional contacts on LinkedIn:
Learn more about Jeanmarie’s really, really boring career and life at (no wonder she moves into a place and instantly starts complaining about the place where she moved):
…and when all is said and done… Why not just become her friend on FaceBook. She sounds like she could use one (just one… Anyone?):
I’ll just leave this here:
In case the link doesn’t work:
Jeanmarie Guenot
[KM EDIT - you can follow the link to find her address]
Ivy League MBA (Penn), and UCSF Ph.D. Has lived in Hoboken, Boston, and NYC.
Forty-six years old (November 7, 1964) and unmarried.
Google Street View:
Another butt-ugly building squished into a little alley.
“AND KILL YOURSELF”? Seriously? I don’t agree with this lady but joking about how she should kill herself is fucked up.
To be fair, she’s clearly already dead inside.
apparently you need to listen to more Three 6 Mafia
drinking alone is so underrated
So her complaints are idiotic for reasons everyone mentioned above, and the city is lame for bending to them. And yeah, she should move to the suburbs. This is what you sign up for when you live in a city, lady.
But posting her address? Seriously? Just because you can find it on the internet and copy it into a comment box doesn’t mean you should.
Don’t give us all a bad name here.
bull shit. welcome to the 21st century, where if you act unjustly, anyone can fuck with you. tough cookies.
Correction: Slim’s and the SF Weekly had already posted her address (http://blogs.sfweekly.com/shookdown/2011/03/slims_liquor_license_tempora…) – I just posted her phone number, educational background, birth date, and personal/professional life.
I’m awesome.
in lieu of Slim’s, take this time to drink in the church parking lot before, during, and after Sunday services…
Friday and Saturday imbibe on the steps of a nearby funeral home before/during/after/ business hours.
whiskey in the morning is a favorite by far with strangers you can never meet anywhere
but in some quiet cemetery where they stay. - go stag
Can anybody guess what it is about this thread that makes me wanna give everyone but the lady the
……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
……….”….……… _.·´
I dunno. Is it because you’re a fucktard?
No. Guess again beater.
Hmm… nope, I’m gonna stick with my first guess.
Eric Kolacek… Go to your jerk ass blog and TAKE DOWN this womans phone number and address that you posted.
Not because I know her, because I don’t. But because YOU realize that posting her phone number and address in the context you did is an innappropriate act of stupidity and immaturity.
Do it right now!!!
Thank you. I second you request.
Thank you, someone is doing a good thing. We need law and order and the few who have the guts to stand up will be rewarded. Like ‘Syndie Shehan, Barak Obama, you know at first it looked bad for them. Now, see were they have gotten.(us).After a coaster ride of leftist liberal mumu, now the pendulum swings ones again and you will see the right fight back. And I believe it will get ugly, this time. I hear they are inclined to use the same below tactics ones used to ellect the liberals. Hold your horses, this will get explosive.Evictions, Yes, more of that kind!
Heh.. Decent attempt at sarcasm, but your satire was a little heavy-handed, I think. No one is actually THAT stupid. It fails the suspension-of-disbelief test.
All in all: C+ for effort.
if you think it’s appropriate to direct a feeling as strong as hate at somebody for something as pedestrian as politics, save us both some hassle . that goes in any direction; whether you are a righty who hates lefties, a lefty who hates righties, a mainstream centrist who hates conspiracy folks, or vice versa: HATE IS A FUTILE INDULGENCE FOR THE WEAK OF HEART. get stronger or kindly leave my sight.
this is the first, and probably the last, time i would make such an ultimatum; in fact, i feel ridiculous writing this. however, i am way too busy pursuing abundance, enjoying fellowship with my awesome associates and fostering creative positivity to sift through someone else’s negative emotion dump being projected on the “other”.