— By Jack Morse (@jmorse_) |
As we reported a few weeks ago, Bender’s Bar & Grill is getting a new kitchen. The new menu, which eschews the wonderfully-weird vibe of its predecessor, debuts tonight.
— By Jack Morse (@jmorse_) |
As we reported a few weeks ago, Bender’s Bar & Grill is getting a new kitchen. The new menu, which eschews the wonderfully-weird vibe of its predecessor, debuts tonight.
Comments (25)
It could really be a pain in the ass to eat there (“Is the food ever going to come? Have they forsaken us?”), but god I loved the seitan cheesefake. RIP seitan cheesefake. I guess RIP vegetarian sandwiches, period. Oh well, I’ll just eat before I go there now.
Or, you could have the vegetarian (maybe vegan?) sandwich on the menu.
Man, portobello sandwiches are so dreary, I can’t even see them. So yeah, amended - RIP seitan cheesefake.
Menu looks fine, but yea the vegetarian burger is real uninteresting. Portobello burgers are kind of a relic of a much different decade, and in a certain sense makes me concerned at the skill level of this chef.
Seriously? It’s one of the last dive bars in the Mission and you’re concerned about the skill level of the chef? Fuck off back to Trick Dog.
Maybe you haven’t had to endure the usual boredom of being a vegetarian. Portobello burgers are sadness. The Cheesefake was happiness. I don’t think the other commenter is looking for Michael Mina, just something more interesting.
maybe he should try a restaurant or cafe…not a bar.
Maybe you’re missing the premise. Bender’s had a nice vegetarian sandwich. It doesn’t now. That’s really the entirety of the discussion. Yep, it’s a bar! That used to have food some of us liked.
You are the worst.
Bless you.
Don’t mean to beleaguer the point.. But over 40% of the items on the menu are vegetarian.
Wow autocorrect. Didn’t even know belaeaguer was a word. Or maybe I meant to lay siege to the thread?
m - I’ve been a regular of Bender’s for years and I’m bummed about the slashing of the veggie menu. Saying you want some diversity of some veggie options doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be allowed in bars and relegated to Herbivore or whatever.
Every bar-and-grilled-themed restobar in the Mission lays it on thick with the tough guy meat menu. What made Bender’s great was the fuck you to the trends. Now they charge $15 bones for the burger (once you include tax in the price–yes, tax is no longer included).
I’m sure they’ll get their footing once they realize their clientele isn’t hip to the foodie bullshit. But in the meantime, it’s a bummer.
Ya, that burger price is just sadness. Here’s to them figuring it out. *raises $5 worth of cheap booze and beer*
Ha well, I am a chef. It’s possible to care about food while also being as poor as they come
don’t be mean, anonymous interneter.
i stand with grizzledmission over the casket of the cheesefake. RIP.
Ha. I’m probably the least anonymous interneter here.
A Mission problem is that too many of the things from the different decade, “relics” or not were hit by a big wave tsunamis.
Its shit-heady to say, “oh, if its not trendy food, I won’t go there.” Good, don’t go there. Stay at the trendy places that have your caliber of fashion chef. We don’t want you anyway !!
Cute, but it’s hard to say that with a straight face when you’re talking a place that serves a $13 burger. I mean I get that in SF a $13 burger is completely normal, but in a similar bar in Baltimore, where people can afford to live on minimum wage in actually quite nice row houses in the hipster area (thus the massive increase in the arts scene there recently), I believe I had a burger for $4. Im sure its not organic of course, which I do actually care about so eh
Or you could move to a third-world country and live off $4 a month! The possibilities are endless!
Seriously. RIP cheesefake! Benders rules–period. But, this news makes me very sad. Nice comment, R, on 40% of the new menu being vegetarian or vegan…oh cool, can I eat sides for dinner. I agree with the others that it was nice to have a place that you could have a regular sandwich but vegetarian (they had all meat options too)–not a, let’s throw as many vegetables into a sandwich because you are vegetarian. For once someone had it right…but alas, all good things must come to an end.
Tonight I shall mourn.
I don’t think I could ever get food from a place that calls sandwiches sandos.
I went into Bender’s yesterday evening, excited about having a dope-ass veggie burger with tots. Instead, I ate a poorly cooked, tiny, sad, unfilling Portobello sandwich. The woman at the counter seemed very pleased that they put almond cheese on it, even though there wasn’t that much of it, and it contributed nothing to the taste of the sandwich. It fucking sucked, and it cost me $13.
Bring back the old management and old menu.
RIP fried pickles. Still…Benders forever.