

One of my favorite things about owning a nice new dSLR camera is that I can put its life in peril by throwing it in a Camelbak and bringing it mountain biking. Well, after waking up at 8am Sunday morning, I got to experience what it must feel like to be a dog by hoping into a van for the first time in ages to go ride in someone else's back yard.  After fucking around Tamarancho, we descend our trail of choice.  Following a step, loose section, Kirt asks “you want us to go back up so you can get some footage of us coming down?”  “Well, there's a high probability of someone making a fool of themselves by having a stupid crash, so I'm all for it.”

The footage speaks for itself.

TCB Courier Bombing Cross Country

SCUMBAG INVITE | “Fast n' Loose 2010” Benefit Race from Justin Gallagher on Vimeo.

I know we might be a little late to the party, but a few days back, Chas and Steve of TCB Courier fame set off to ride their bikes to the NACCC's in Atlanta.  Luckily for us, they're filming the whole adventure so we can look forward to a short film popping up on the internet sometime in October to distract us from our boring ass office jobs.  Feel free to follow their progress.

THIS WEEKEND: Watch Old Films About Go-Carts, Bikes, Skateboards, Soapbox Cars & Other Rad Stuff

I've never been to an ODDBALL FILMS movie night before, but this screening is pretty tempting.  Their press release, stolen from Mission Loc@l:

The Obsession With Things That Go
Event: “Hot Wheels!” Guest curator Pete Gowdy and Oddball Films present an evening of rare 16mm films about things that go- cars, bikes, skateboards, soapbox cars and more. Featured films include Roller Skate Safely (1981), early 80s quads in action; Dust Eaters (1955), “dust eaters”, “grease monkeys” and the “birds” they race- wild souped-up jalopies!; Tough On Two Wheels (1955), awesome British bikes in action!; The Bike Parade (1938), vintage bicycle bonanza; Skateboarding to Safety, skateboarding in all its 1970s glory; Motor Mania (1950), mild-mannered Goofy goes berserk when he gets behind the wheel; Automania 2000 (1963), Oscar-nominated animation from the brilliant Halas & Batchelor Studio and much more!
Date: Friday, September 17, 2010 at 8:30PM

Oddball Films
275 Capp St San Francisco
Limited Seating $10.00 RSVP Only or


Is Your Bike Ready for Halloween?

On a weekend afternoon a few months back, a pigeon flew into my spokes as I was getting off the Golden Gate Bridge.  Feathers and horrified tourists everywhere.  It was magnificent.  Luckily there is a hose in my garage.

Anyway, the gruesome scene looked a lot like this post-apocalyptic ride spotted by Ramona Wheelright, which means you better either cross paths with a pigeon or get hella creative between now and October's Critical Mass.

Mission Bikes Goes Hollywood

Mission Bikes, seller of an embarrassingly inaccurate Mission map messenger bag, just started selling their bikes at a second retail location, which happens to be someplace south of Cesar Chavez.  While I don't make my way around Hollywood often, FreeCity Supershop Supermat, home to both a tragically long name and a hella confusing website, is one helluva hybrid between art bikes and clothes I probably won't wear.  So if you like bike saddles with naked people on them or rickshaws that surprisingly never made it to Burning Man, check it out.



If you are sick of San Francisco but don't have a car, why don't you consider traveling to the Oakland and get shitfaced with the friends you never make time to visit?  Hoodstock has an big ass lineup of bands, including groups featuring epic band names such as “Uzi Rash,” “Shannon and the Clams,” and “Bro Montana.”  Also following the alleycat, which if it takes you up Tunnel Rd. you should punch the promoters in the face, there is a “Bike Trick, Track Stand, and Bike Mechanic Competition.”  Go have fun getting your ass out of the Mission.

Eating Shit

JJ San shot this at Sunday's “Streets of San Francisco BMX” contest at the Ferry Building:

The whole event was basically over but then everyone egged this guy on to try clearing this jump. They made this nice wooden landing for him but in the end he didn't even use it! He had fallen multiple times throughout the day on various things; he's got a pretty good tolerance for pain apparently!

