Coffee Saved the Video Store?

Lost Weekend Video Serving As Ritual Roaster's Temporary New Home

As we reported earlier this month, Lost Weekend Video has been suffering an “immediate crisis” as rental revenues have sharply declined. They’ve explored a few different revised business models, including expanding their famed Cinecave upstairs, but “Valencia Street business restrictions” has made those plans impossible.

Lost Weekend then put out a call for “anyone with an actual solid business plan interested in sharing the upstairs space with us.” And then today, Matt Graves alerted us to a Ritual Roasters pop-up in the video store. Hmm.

We reached out to Ritual’s Eileen Rinaldi to see if Lost Weekend was exploring a partnership with the neighoring coffee shop—a situation that could be similar to Borderland’s bookstore-cum-coffeeshop setup. However, Rinaldi tells us that Lost Weekend is just helping Ritual out while the coffee shop undergoes renovations:

They’re just being great neighbors. We’ve always had a good relationship with the folks at Lost Weekend. We used to joke about putting a little pass-through cabinet between our businesses so the folks working the video store could get coffees delivered to them behind the counter without having to go outside. I think this is one step better than that!

Neighborly love! How about that?

Anyway, should you want your Ritual fix, they’ll be operating out of Lost Weekend from 7am to 2pm daily until their remodel is complete. Rinaldi tells us they hope to reopen in three weeks.

[Photo: Matt Graves]